The document centre enables you to share the documents and files needed to provide services to the clients that you are supporting. Files can be uploaded and downloaded securely, avoiding the inherent security risks of email.
Accessing the Document Centre
To access the Document Centre select Document Centre from the Utilities menu.
Any clients and services that you have access to will appear in the lists at the top of the screen:
The documents that you share are arranged in folders. The folder structure will depend on the service RSM is providing. Most often there will be a set of folders for each year, with sub-folders for the time periods appropriate to your service.
The folders are arranged in a tree structure which you can expand and contract to show and hide the sub-folders. Selecting a folder will list the files in the folder on the right.
Creating Folders
Below the folder list you will have options to create a set of folders for a year. The options available in the Format Type list will depend on the type of service provided.
To create a folder group:
- Select a type and year and then click on the CREATE FOLDERS button.
- You will be asked to confirm that you want to create the group of folders for the selected year. Click on OK.
Editing Folders
When you right click on a folder a context menu opens with editing options. From this menu you have options to:
- create a new sub-folder
- rename the selected folder
- delete the selected folder
Setting Folder Permissions
Client access can be restricted on a per folder basis id required by setting the security permissions.
To view or change folder security:
- Right click on a folder and select Security form the context menu. The security options are displayed.
- Choose the level of security for default client users and also client admins. You can choose from read only, write only or full access. You can also choose to hide a folder.
- Click on the SAVE CHANGES button to update folder security.
Details of a file are shown as in the example above. If you have not downloaded a file the border on the left will be blue. If you uploaded the file or have already downloaded the file, the border on the left will be grey.
Click on
to download the file. To view the download history of a file click on .If you would like to send a message to the client about this file click on Using the Message Centre.
. For more information on sending messages seeWhen a client uploads a new file to one of your service folders you will receive a notification email. You can opt out of notification emails in your Account Settings.
Uploading Files
You can upload files in the File Upload section above the list of files.
To upload files either click on the SELECT FILES button and select the files from the file browser, or drag and drop files into the file upload area. You can optionally enter a description of the file/files.
Optionally enter a description of the file/files and an expiry date. If no expiry date is set the file will not expire and will remain visible to the client until it is deleted.
If you would like the client to approve the files you are uploading tick the Requires Approval box. You will be notified by email when a client approves a file.
Once you have selected files to upload click on the UPLOAD NOW button to begin the upload. If the files are large this may take a few minutes. You will see progess are the files upload:
Do not refresh the browser until the files have completed upload and are shown in the Files section.
You can upload files with the following types: .csv, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpg, .png, .pdf, .txt, .wrf, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltm, .xml and .zip.