Your Workflow Guide
The process outline displayed on this page will take you through the minimum steps required to complete a standard Umbrella, Ltd and self-employed worker payroll. If you do not use the “Advice note” module, you can skip those steps.
Category | App | Menu | Description | Help | |
1 | Review | InTime | Timesheets > Approved | Check timesheets are in and approved | |
2 | Export | InTime | Timesheets > Export | Select payroll frequency and export (This will include timesheets and expenses) | ? |
3 | Export | InTime | Notification bell | Wait for confirmation that all timesheets exported sucessfully | |
4 | InTime: Advice note generation | InTime | Pay > Generate Advice Notes | Generate your advice notes (recommendation, use the Search: Date Ranges Tab > Exported Date field to filter timesheets marked as exported in point 2) | |
5 | InTime: Advice note delivery | InTime | Pay > List Advice Notes (sent status: No) | Highlight all undelivered advice notes and click “Send” | |
6 | InTime: Advice note invoice matching | InTime | Pay > List Advice Notes (supplier invoice status: Un-Matched) | Review and “accept” uploaded supplier invoices. If you are uploaded supplier invoices on behalf of your workers, you would also complete this during this acceptance stage | |
7 | InTime: Self-Bill generation | InTime | Pay > Generate Invoices | Generate your self-bill purchase invoices (recommendation, use the Search: Date Ranges Tab > Exported Date field to filter timesheets marked as exported in point 2) | |
8 | InTime: Pay invoice delivery | InTime | Pay > List invoices (sent status: No) | Highlight all undelivered purchase invoices and click “Send” | |
9 | InTime: BACs | InTime | Pay > Generate Payments | Consolidate your purchase invoices in to a single payment batch (download the payment format and upload to your bank) [Optional] Deliver remittance advices created by the payment batch | ? |
Frequently Asked Questions
In addition to the above, we have also provided some answers to the most frequent questions asked.
What is the difference between self-billing and advice note?
Why should I mark my Umbrella, LTD or Self-employed worker timesheets?
There are a number of reasons as to why you may need or should mark timesheets for these worker types as exported:
Updated Timesheet Status - The timesheet status will update from “Approved” to “Exported” which will remove those timesheets from the Timesheets > Approved list. This will help ensure that only current approved timesheets appear within that screen.
Exported date timestamp - Every timesheet exported is timestamped with the date and time the export routine was carried out. This can be useful for reporting purposes.
Invoice Generation Filter - Following the export of timesheets, you can choose to filter on timesheets that you have approved at a paticular time, ensuring that you only process timesheets you have exported for payment.
Output files - Depending on your configuration, InTime may produce an output file for all exported timesheets that you may need to send on to a third party.