Use this page to create, view and transmit submissions to the HMRC government gateway.
Clicking On a Created Submission
This screen allows you to create, view and transmit submissions to the HMRC government gateway. Upon entry to the screen you will find a list of previously created submissions which can be viewed. Details of each format are listed below, but for more details please refer to the documentation here.
Creating a New Submission
Clicking the New button will bring up a list of submssion types that can be sent. These are detailed below
- Full Payment Submission: A Full Payment submission needs to be electronically submitted to the HMRC every time payments are made to employees. It contains detailed information on each payment to each employee.
- Employer Payment Submission: The HMRC derives all the information it requires with regard to Tax, National Insurance contributions and Student Loan repayments from the FPS files that are sent prior to each and every payment.The EPS, therefore, allows the employer to notify the HMRC of the reductions it is allowed to make to the totals already submitted via the FPS. The EPS must be sent by the nineteenth of the tax month following the one where the reductions were made. The HMRC will then expect the monthly or quarterly payment to be the sum of the payments due from the FPS less the reductions notified via the EPS.
- Earlier Year Update: An EYU is required if corrections are needed to a completed tax year after the final FPS or EPS has been submitted. These figures need to show the difference between what you originally reported and the correct figure. further information can be found here.
- *CIS Verification Request: A request for CIS worker verification, this will return a verification number and tax percentage to be applied and automatically update the system.
- *CIS Monthly Return: A monthly return is required which must include details of all CIS payments made and tax deducted during the tax month.
* Only available with CIS module
Creating an FPS
The following fields are required
- Payroll: The payroll to which the file relates.
- BACS File: For companies that pay their staff through Direct BACS a reference is added to each record in the FPS file, this relates to the payment row in the BACS file. InPay does all this automatically but requires the BACs file to be selected in order to know which file to cross reference. Companies that do not pay their staff by Direct BACS should leave this field blank
- Filename: The Filename of the created submission
- Pick Employees – This field should be used only to force through the latest year to date figures if a submission has been missed in a previous period.
- Final Submission of Year – If this is to be the last FPS of the year or the last FPS for a company that has ceased trading and there is to be no EPS to follow, then details need to be sent answering a series of questions
- Late reason - If the file was not sent on or prior to the pay date then a late reason is required here
Creating an EPS
- Year – The associated tax year. (2014 indicates 2014/15)
- Period – The associated period (A period from 1 to 12 with 1 representing 6th April – 5th May.
- Filename – As FPS.
- Final Submission of Year - As FPS
Upon clicking Generate, unlike the FPS where the file is created, there is an intermediate stage where the year to date figures that are reclaimable are populated on screen and allow editing. The figures will be calculated by adding the values from the last EPS successfully sent for a previous period together with the reclaimable figures in InPay for the selected month.
Creating an EYU
- Payroll– As FPS.
- Filename – As FPS.
Clicking Generate will allow you to start adding employees that require earlier year amendments. Start typing in the Add Employee field and select the required employee when they appear, press the plus sign to add to the table where amendments can be made to the individual's Year To Date figures. As discussed above These figures need to show the difference between what you originally reported and the correct figure.
Creating a CIS Verification
- Year – As EPS.
- Period – As EPS.
- Filename – As FPS.
Upon clicking Generate a list of all non Verfied CIS workers will be displayed, with all the workers selected by default. when you are happy with the worker selection clicking Generate again will send Verification requests to the HMRC for all the selected workers, the worker records will then be updated automatically with the Verification number and tax treatment. Please be aware that as the tax treatment will be updated automatically this may change the employee's pay in the current period.
Creating a CIS Monthly Return
- Year – As EPS.
- Period – As EPS.
- Filename – As FPS.
- Declaration – A list of yes\no questions the client is required to answer.
Clicking on Generate will create the file.
Clicking On a Created Submission
Once a transmission file has been created clicking on the file in the list will bring up a number of options determined by the files' current state
- Send - Once the file has been created it can be sent by clicking the button . this will first update the file's status to processing and then update to either ERROR or Transmitted determined by whether the file passes the HMRC validation.
- View - This will allow you to view the contents of the file in a user friendly manner.
- Report - If the submission is an FPS (or CIS Return) key financial data by worker can be viewed
- Report (YTD)- If the submission is an FPS key financial YTD data by worker can be viewed (It is the YTD figures that the HMRC use to calculate monies owed).
- View Msgs- If the submission has been sent then transmission messages from the govenment gateway can be viewed in a readable formet by clicking the button .
- View Errors- If the submission fails HMRC validation the file will show as ERROR rather than Transmitted. Upon clicking the error button with the file selected the error will be displayed in a user friendly manner similar to the screen below.
The key item here is highlighted by the arrow, as within the location field there will be an item similar to Employee[1] This highlights which employee the error applies to. HOWEVER this is the employees' location in the file NOT the workers Employee Number. An arrow indicating where this is in the transmission file is shown in the View image.