The purpose of this document is to provide a guide to using RSM InTime with the umbrella module. The module includes dispensation facilities that allow tax savings by reducing basic pay and making expense payments which can then be made exclusive of tax and national insurance (subject to your agreement with HMRC).
The majority of these functions are only available when using RSM InTime in conjunction with InPay.
Dispensation can be claimed by the worker, applied automatically or a combination of both methods. Dispensations that can be claimed by the worker can be configured by going to Administration > Umbrella > Claimable Dispensation. From this page you will see the dispensations that are already configured. To add a new dispensation click on the New Dispensation button.
From this screen add a name and a description to your dispensation. You can specify a date range that the dispensation can be claimed on. The entry method can either be tickbox tick box or quantity. If tickbox tick box is selected the quantity that be claimed is 1. Quantity can be used to claim mileage or a miscellaneous amount. In in the later amount the payment should be 1. Please check with support to determine which pay elements to use. This must be correct and incorrect payments will result if these are not set correctly.
Automatic dispensations can be set up at the agency level or client level. These dispensations require scripting and so these should be done with help from the support team.
Dispensation Process
Workers can claim dispensations at any point until the timesheet is paid, i.e. exported from RSM InTime. Dispensations can be created before or after the timesheet data has been entered.
Workers should enter their own dispensations by logging in to RSM InTime and selecting Claim Subsistence from the Expenses Menu
Before processing the export to InPay the agency may wish to check which dispensations have been claimed by workers. To do this go to the Timesheetsmenu and select Dispensation Check. Go to the Options tab and tick the tickboxtick box. Finally click Search to produce a list of items available for export along with dispensation message. An example of this is shown below.
If the pay holiday immediately flag is not set in RSM InTime the following payslip will result. This shows the Holiday Pay split from the Basic Pay with the Basic Pay reduced, but additionally shows a negative value against the Holiday Accrue pay element which reduces the employee’s Gross Pay.
Scenario 3 shows where the employee has expenses already in the pool that can be used to bring the employee’s Basic and therefore Taxable Pay down to the minimum wage.