RSM InTime provides a SOAP Web Service Interface that allows two-way flow of information to external systems. This enables automated and efficient transfer of data to and from your other systems reducing effort and duplication.
updateTimesheet() method will create a new Timesheet or update an existing one if it exists in Draft status. The Timesheet will be saved with Draft status. The Timesheet object you supply to this method must contain all the necessary data which includes a valid Placement reference, the Period End date and one or more Shifts. Each Shift must reference a valid Rate from the Placement, the Time worker or a Decimal value and the Date on which it was worked. It will normally be necessary to retrieve the details of the Placement the Timesheet relates to in order to correctly complete all the required fields.
submitTimesheet() would then be called to submit the Timesheet for approval once it has all the necessary time (Shifts) added to it.
rejectTimesheet() or approveTimesheet() are then used to process the approval.
revertTimesheet() can also be used to revert a Submitted or Approved status Timesheet if required. This has exactly the same result as reverting a Timesheet though the RSM InTime UI.
Single Sign On
getSingleSignOnToken() can be used to log in to RSM InTime using an existing RSM InTime User account. This method returns a token that you can then append to any valid RSM InTime URL and it will allow you to retrieve the page as if you were logged into the system directly. This means you can embed RSM InTime pages within another web site or retrieve other data.
An example SSO token would look like this:
So appending an SSO token for an Admin user to a URL for the summary of a Worker could look like this:
For the Summary screens only you can append "&embed=true" to the URL to hide the menu and footers. This does not apply to other InTime screens.
IMPORTANT: Note that once you have accessed InTime with an SSO token you are logged into InTime as that user and navigation and access rights are determined exactly as if you logged into InTime directly as that user.
Other methods
The interface also provides various other methods. Some examples:
getMissingTimesheetsForPlacement() identifies any periods within the specified range that do not contain an approved timesheet. The response will include a status that indicates if it is Missing, Draft or Submitted.
getAllPayElements() returns a list of all Pay Elements present in the system.
getURLForContractorsPayslip() retrieves the URL to viewing a workers Payslips. *InPay Linked systems only
Getting started
The RSM InTime Web Service uses the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface as opposed to REST. This is a stricter protocol than REST which means you can only call the defined methods available and the return types will be in a fixed format. Normally you would start by building "stub" code against the WSDL file that defines the interface.
Java Example
This example was written using the WSDL file for version 3.2 of the web services on our demo system:
Various tools are available for building the stub code. wsdl2java in the axis 2 package works well for java development:
From the command line run:
/axis2-1.6.2/bin/ -or -uri ""
This will produce the following files:
Include and reference these files in your application and you will be able to make calls to the Web Services. Some examples are given below.
It is important to enclose your web service calls in try / catch blocks as Exceptions are used as the mechanism for feeding back any issues. For example if you attempt to create a placement without providing an External ID, an exception will be returned from the Web Service call with an appropriate message.
Client Code - Pseudocode examples
#Get placements and associated data from frontend system that you require in InTIME
def cons = getConsultantsByExternalID(consultantId);
def con = cons.first();
if(con==null)con = new Consutlant();
#Manager Client
def mclients = getClientsByExternalID(mclientId);
def mclient = mclients.first();
if(mclient==null)mclient = new Client();
def mans = getManagersByExternalID(managerId);
def man = mans.first();
if(man==null)man = new Manager();
man.client = mclient
def provs = getProvidersByExternalID(providerId);
def prov = provs.first();
if(prov==null)prov = new Provider();
def wkrs = getWorkersByExternalID(workerId);
def wkr = wkrs.first();
if(wkr==null)wkr = new Worker();
if(prov!=null)wkr.provider = prov
#Billing Client
def bclients = getClientsByExternalID(bclientId);
def bclient = bclients.first();
if(bclient==null)bclient = new Client();
def plac = getPlacementByExternalID(placementId);
if(plac==null)plac = new Placement();
plac.consultant = con
plac.client = bclient
plac.manager = man
plac.worker = wkr
def entityList = getModifiedItemsWithRefCode(java.lang.String token, java.util.Calendar since)
if(entity.getType()=="Worker")*Read full Worker and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="Placement")*Read full Placement and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="Timesheet")*Read full Timesheet and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="ExpenseItem")*Read full Expense Item and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="Client")*Read full Client and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="LtdCoProvider")*Read full Ltd Company Provider and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="Consultant")*Read full Consultant and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="Manager")*Read full Manager and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="LtdCoUser")*Read full Ltd Company User and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="Reckoning")*Read full Invoice, Credit Note or Advice Note and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="ContractDocument")*Read full Contract Document and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="PurchaseOrder")*Read full Purchase Order and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="PaymentBatch")*Read full Payment Batch and action as required*
if(entity.getType()=="Project")*Read full Project and action as required (WS V2.9+)*
def entityList = getModifiedItemsWithRefCodeByType(java.lang.String token, java.util.Calendar since, java.lang.String "Reckoning")
def entityRefCode = entity.getRefCode()
def downloadlink = "https://<SERVER URL>/reckoning/collectInvoice?refCode="+entityRefCode
As of 3.12 there is a "hidden" parameter. This creates the timesheet but keeps it hidden from the UI so it can not be affected by UI processes. This can be used to create a timesheet that should only be invoiced via the web services for example. Hidden timesheets can be updated via this method while they are still in draft status but you must set the hidden parameter of the method call to true. You can unhide the timesheet by changing the "hidden" property of the timesheet to false. Hidden timesheets still have to be approved before they can be invoiced/exported - the forceApproveTimesheet can be used for this which bypasses the approval route. Hidden timesheets are automatically unhidden when first invoiced on either the Sales or Purchase side.
submitTimesheet() would then be called to submit the Timesheet for approval once it has all the necessary time (Shifts) added to it.
rejectTimesheet() or approveTimesheet() are then used to process the approval.
revertTimesheet() can also be used to revert a Submitted or Approved status Timesheet if required. This has exactly the same result as reverting a Timesheet though the RSM InTime UI.
As of 3.12 you can generate invoices using the generateInvoices( ) method. This method requires a SearchCriteria parameter which is used to filter the items to be invoiced. This needs to be populated with appropriate criteria to select only the items you wish to invoice.
Warning: if no criteria are specified all invoiceable items in the system will be invoiced!
It is possible to specify a list of specific timesheet IDs or ExpenseItem IDs that you wish to invoice using SearchCriteria.timesheetIDs or SearchCriteria.expenseItemIDs.
You must specify the type of invoices you wish to generate from: ClientInvoice, SelfBillInvoice or AdviceNote.
You can not credit invoices using this method. However, invoicing net negative items will result in a Credit Note rather than an Invoice.
To invoice "Hidden" timesheets, set the SearchCriteria.includeHidden property to true.
long[] tsIds = new long[2];
tsIds[0] = 123L;
tsIds[1] = 456L;
Calendar invDate = Calendar.getInstance();
As of 3.12 you can uploadSupplierInvoice() to an AdviceNote and accept it via acceptSupplierInvoice()
Single Sign On
getSingleSignOnToken() can be used to log in to RSM InTime using an existing RSM InTime User account. This method returns a token that you can then append to any valid RSM InTime URL and it will allow you to retrieve the page as if you were logged into the system directly. This means you can embed RSM InTime pages within another web site or retrieve other data.
An example SSO token would look like this:
So appending an SSO token for an Admin user to a URL for the summary of a Worker could look like this:
For the Summary screens only you can append "&embed=true" to the URL to hide the menu and footers. This does not apply to other InTime screens.
IMPORTANT: Note that once you have accessed InTime with an SSO token you are logged into InTime as that user and navigation and access rights are determined exactly as if you logged into InTime directly as that user.
Other methods
The interface also provides various other methods. Some examples:
getMissingTimesheetsForPlacement() identifies any periods within the specified range that do not contain an approved timesheet. The response will include a status that indicates if it is Missing, Draft or Submitted.
getAllPayElements() returns a list of all Pay Elements present in the system.
getURLForContractorsPayslip() retrieves the URL to viewing a workers Payslips. *InPay Linked systems only
Getting started
The RSM InTime Web Service uses the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface as opposed to REST. This is a stricter protocol than REST which means you can only call the defined methods available and the return types will be in a fixed format. Normally you would start by building "stub" code against the WSDL file that defines the interface.
Java Example
This example was written using the WSDL file for version 3.2 of the web services on our demo system:
Various tools are available for building the stub code. wsdl2java in the axis 2 package works well for java development:
From the command line run:
/axis2-1.6.2/bin/ -or -uri ""
This will produce the following files:
Include and reference these files in your application and you will be able to make calls to the Web Services. Some examples are given below.
It is important to enclose your web service calls in try / catch blocks as Exceptions are used as the mechanism for feeding back any issues. For example if you attempt to create a placement without providing an External ID, an exception will be returned from the Web Service call with an appropriate message.
Client Code - Pseudocode examples
#Get placements and associated data from frontend system that you require in InTIME#Consultant |
def entityList = getModifiedItemsWithRefCode(java.lang.String token, java.util.Calendar since, java.lang.String "Reckoning" |
Read a Placement
try { IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId request=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId(); request.setId("WEB-PLC-001"); request.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getPlacementByExternalId(request); Placement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); if (placement != null) { System.out.println("Read Placement with External Id: " + placement.getExternalId() + " Internal Id: " + placement.getId()); System.out.println("RefCode: " + placement.getRefCode()); System.out.println("Worker:" + placement.getWorker().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getWorker().getLastname()); System.out.println("Consultant: " + placement.getConsultant().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getConsultant().getLastname()); System.out.println("Manager: " + placement.getManager().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getManager().getLastname()); System.out.println("Client: " + placement.getClient().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getClient().getName()); System.out.println("Start: " + placement.getStart().getTime()); if (placement.getEnd() != null) { System.out.println("End: " + placement.getEnd().getTime()); } System.out.println("Created: " + placement.getCreated().getTime()); System.out.println("Modified: " + placement.getModified().getTime()); System.out.println("TimesheetDateCalculatorName: " + placement.getTimesheetDateCalculatorName()); System.out.println("Timesheeet Approval Route: " + placement.getTimesheetApprovalRoute()); System.out.println("Chargeable Expense Approval Route: " + placement.getChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute()); System.out.println("Non-Chargeable Expense Approval Route: " + placement.getNonChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute()); System.out.println("ContractedHours: " + placement.getContractedHours()); System.out.println("JobDescription :" + placement.getJobDescription()); System.out.println("JobTitle: " + placement.getJobTitle()); System.out.println("NoCommunications: " + placement.getNoCommunications) def entityRefCode = entity.getRefCode() |
def entityList = getModifiedItemsWithRefCodeByType(java.lang.String token, java.util.Calendar since, java.lang.String "Timesheet")
def entityRefCode = entity.getRefCode()
def timesheet = getTimesheetByRefCode(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String entityRefCode)
def date = new Date(shift.getDay())
def start = new Date(shift.getStartTime())
def start = new Date(shift.getEndTime())
def start = new Date(shift.getMealBreak())
def hours = new Date(shift.getHours())
def hoursDecimal = shift.getDecimal()
def rateName = shift.getRateName()
def ratePay = getRate().getPay()
def rateCharge = getRate().getCharge()
def fiancialTags = ws.getAllFinancialTags
def requiredTg
for(fiancialTags:TagCategory tg){
if( == "financialName")requiredTg = tg
def tagValues = requiredTg.getTagCategoryValues()
def requiredValue = "tagValue"
def matched = false
for(tagValues:TagCategoryValue tcv){
def tv = new TagCategoryValue()
Java Code
try {
//Create an instance of the stub
IntimeServiceV3_2Stub stub = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub("");
//Get an authentication token
IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Authenticate auth=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Authenticate();
IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.AuthenticateResponse authResp=stub.authenticate(auth);
String ticket=authResp.get_return();
System.out.println("Authentication token:" + ticket);
//Use this authentication token (ticket) to pass in to any of the other WebService calls
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e);
if(entity.getType()=="Worker")*Read full Worker and action as required* |
def entityList = getModifiedItemsWithRefCodeByType(java.lang.String token, java.util.Calendar since, java.lang.String "Reckoning") |
def needRatePayElementCode = false //Not usually needed but if required change to true |
def entityList = getModifiedItemsWithRefCodeByType(java.lang.String token, java.util.Calendar since, java.lang.String "Timesheet") |
def fiancialTags = ws.getAllFinancialTags |
UPDATING ONCOSTS ON A PLACEMENT (example below is purchase oncosts but same for sales):
def plc = getPlacementByExternalId(token,xxxxx) – xxxx being unique placement Ref |
Java Code
try { //Create an instance of the stub IntimeServiceV3_2Stub stub = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub(""); //Get an authentication token IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Authenticate auth=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Authenticate(); auth.setAgencyRefCode("<supplied_credentials>"); auth.setUsername("<supplied_credentials>"); auth.setPassword("<supplied_credentials>"); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.AuthenticateResponse authResp=stub.authenticate(auth); String ticket=authResp.get_return(); System.out.println("Authentication token:" + ticket); //Use this authentication token (ticket) to pass in to any of the other WebService calls } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Read a Placement
try { IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId request=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId(); request.setId("WEB-PLC-001"); request.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getPlacementByExternalId(request); Placement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); if (placement != null) { System.out.println("Read Placement with External Id: " + placement.getExternalId() + " Internal Id: " + placement.getId()); System.out.println("PurchaseOrderNumRefCode: " + placement.getPurchaseOrderNumgetRefCode()); System.out.println("SalesProjectWorker:" + placement.getSalesProjectgetWorker());System.out.println("PurchaseBranch: .getExternalId() + " " + placement.getPurchaseBranchgetWorker().getLastname()); System.out.println("CurrencyForChargeConsultant: " + placement.getCurrencyForChargegetConsultant());System.out.println("CurrencyForPayExpenses: .getExternalId() + " " + placement.getCurrencyForPayExpensesgetConsultant().getLastname()); System.out.println("CurrencyForPayTimesheetsManager: " + placement.getCurrencyForPayTimesheetsgetManager().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getManager().getLastname()); System.out.println("PermClient: " + placement.getPermgetClient());System.out.println("TimesheetEmailApproval: .getExternalId() + " " + placement.getTimesheetEmailApprovalgetClient().getName()); System.out.println("Timesheet layoutStart: " + placement.getLayoutgetStart().getTime()); if (placement.getEnd() != null) { System.out.println(" Internal Agency CommentsEnd: " + placement.getEnd(). getInternalAgencyCommentsgetTime()); } System.out.println("Holiday Accural RateCreated: " + placement.getCreated().getHolidayAccuralRategetTime()); System.out.println("Expenses TemplateModified: " + placement.getExpenseTemplategetModified().getTime()); System.out.println("Charge Tax Code OverrideTimesheetDateCalculatorName: " + placement.getChargeTaxCodeOverridegetTimesheetDateCalculatorName()); System.out.println("Self Bill Tax Code OverrideTimesheeet Approval Route: " + placement.getSelfBillTaxCodeOverridegetTimesheetApprovalRoute()); System.out.println("PAYEDeductionsOnLtdChargeable Expense Approval Route: " + placement.getPAYEDeductionsOnLtdgetChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute()); if (placement.getInvoiceContactOverride() != null) { Contact contact = placement.getInvoiceContactOverride(); Address address = contact.getAddress(System.out.println("Non-Chargeable Expense Approval Route: " + placement.getNonChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute()); System.out.println(" Placement charge invoice contact overrideContractedHours: " + placement.getContractedHours()); System.out.println(" FirstnameJobDescription :" + contactplacement. getFirstnamegetJobDescription()); System.out.println(" LastnameJobTitle: " + contactplacement. getLastnamegetJobTitle()); System.out.println(" EmailNoCommunications: " + contactplacement. getEmailgetNoCommunications()); System.out.println(" PhonePurchaseOrderNum: " + contactplacement. getPhonegetPurchaseOrderNum()); System.out.println(" FaxSalesProject: " + contactplacement. getFaxgetSalesProject()); System.out.println(" MobilePurchaseBranch: " + contactplacement. getMobilegetPurchaseBranch()); System.out.println(" AddressCurrencyForCharge: " + placement.getCurrencyForCharge()); System.out.println(" Line 1CurrencyForPayExpenses: " + addressplacement. getLine1getCurrencyForPayExpenses()); System.out.println(" Line 2CurrencyForPayTimesheets: " + addressplacement. getLine2getCurrencyForPayTimesheets()); System.out.println(" TownPerm: " + addressplacement. getTowngetPerm()); System.out.println(" CountyTimesheetEmailApproval: " + addressplacement. getCountygetTimesheetEmailApproval()); System.out.println(" PostcodeTimesheet layout: " + addressplacement. getPostcodegetLayout()); System.out.println(" CountryInternal Agency Comments: " + addressplacement. getCountrygetInternalAgencyComments()); System.out.println(" Country CodeHoliday Accural Rate: " + addressplacement. getCountryCodegetHolidayAccuralRate()); } if (placement.getRates() != null) { for (Rate rate : placement.getRates()) { System.out.println(" Rate NameExpenses Template: " + rateplacement. getNamegetExpenseTemplate()); System.out.println(" PayCharge Tax Code Override: " + rateplacement. getPaygetChargeTaxCodeOverride()); System.out.println(" ChargeSelf Bill Tax Code Override: " + rateplacement. getChargegetSelfBillTaxCodeOverride()); System.out.println(" PriorityPAYEDeductionsOnLtd: " + rateplacement. getPriorityOrdergetPAYEDeductionsOnLtd()); System.out.println("ID:" + rate.getId()); System.out.println("Period:" + rate.getPeriod()if (placement.getInvoiceContactOverride() != null) { Contact contact = placement.getInvoiceContactOverride(); Address address = contact.getAddress(); System.out.println("Placement charge invoice contact override: "); System.out.println(" PeriodDurationFirstname: " + ratecontact. getPeriodDurationgetFirstname()); System.out.println(" SelectableByWorkersLastname: " + ratecontact. getSelectableByWorkersgetLastname()); System.out.println(" TimePatternEmail: " + ratecontact. getTimePatterngetEmail()); System.out.println(" TimesheetFieldsPhone: " + ratecontact. getTimesheetFieldsgetPhone()); System.out.println(" PayElementCodeFax: " + ratecontact. getPayElementCodegetFax()); System.out.println(" PayableMobile: " + ratecontact. getPayablegetMobile()); System.out.println(" ChargeableAddress:" + rate.getChargeable()); System.out.println(" TaxableLine 1:" + rateaddress. getTaxablegetLine1()); System.out.println(" RefCodeLine 2:" + rateaddress. getRefCodegetLine2()); } } if (placement.getSplitCommissions() != null) { for (SplitCommission split : placement.getSplitCommissions()) {System.out.println(" Town:" + address.getTown()); System.out.println(" \nCommission UserIDCounty:" + splitaddress. getUserIdgetCounty()); System.out.println(" Postcode: " + " Percentageaddress.getPostcode()); System.out.println(" Country:" + splitaddress. getWeightgetCountry());} System.out.println(" Country Code:" + address.getCountryCode()); } if (placement.getAlternativeManagersgetRates() != null) { for (User altMan Rate rate : placement.getAlternativeManagersgetRates()) { System.out.println("Alternative ManagerRate Name:" + altManrate.getFirstnamegetName() + " ); System.out.println("Pay:" + altManrate.getLastnamegetPay()); System.out.println("External IdCharge:" + altManrate.getExternalIdgetCharge() + " Internal ID)); System.out.println("Priority:" + altManrate.getIdgetPriorityOrder()); } } } } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {System.out.println("ID:" + rate.getId()); System.out.println(" Exception occurredPeriod:" + e);} |
Read a Timesheet including any invoices
try { IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetTimesheetById request=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetTimesheetById(); request.setId(<timesheet_id>); request.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call GetTimesheetByIdResponse timesheetResp=stub.getTimesheetById(request); Timesheet timesheet = timesheetResp.get_return(); rate.getPeriod()); System.out.println(" Read Timesheet IDPeriodDuration:" + timesheetrate. getIdgetPeriodDuration()); System.out.println(" StatusSelectableByWorkers:" + timesheetrate. getStatusgetSelectableByWorkers()); System.out.println(" PlacementTimePattern:" + timesheetrate. getPlacementIdgetTimePattern()); if (timesheet.getPeriodEndDate() != null)System.out.println(" End DateTimesheetFields:" + timesheetrate. getPeriodEndDategetTimesheetFields()); if (timesheet.getCreated() != null)System.out.println(" CreatedPayElementCode:" + timesheetrate. getCreatedgetPayElementCode() .getTime() ); if (timesheet.getModified() != null)System.out.println(" ModifiedPayable:" + timesheet.getModified().getTimerate.getPayable()); if (timesheet.getSubmitted() != null)System.out.println(" SubmittedChargeable:" + timesheetrate. getSubmittedgetChargeable() .getTime()); if (timesheet.getApproved() != null)System.out.println(" ApprovedTaxable:" + timesheetrate. getApprovedgetTaxable() .getTime()); System.out.println(" timesheetPayRefCode:" + timesheetrate. getTimesheetPaygetRefCode()); System.out.println("timesheetCharge: " + timesheet.getTimesheetCharge());} } if (placement.getSplitCommissions() != null) { for (SplitCommission split : placement.getSplitCommissions()) { System.out.println(" ERNI\nCommission UserID:"+ timesheetsplit. getErnigetUserId() );System.out.println("Pension+" Percentage:"+ timesheetsplit. getPensiongetWeight()); System.out.println("Holiday: " + timesheet.getHoliday());} } if (placement.getAlternativeManagers() != null) { for (User altMan : placement.getAlternativeManagers()) { System.out.println(" getFullyInvoicedAlternative Manager:" + timesheetaltMan. getFullyInvoicedgetFirstname() );System.out.println("getPurchaseWrittenOff:+ " " + timesheetaltMan. getPurchaseWrittenOffgetLastname()); System.out.println(" getSalesWrittenOffExternal Id: " + timesheetaltMan. getSalesWrittenOffgetExternalId() );System.out.println("Worker+ " Internal ID:" + timesheetaltMan. getWorkerIdgetId()); } } } } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("AdjustsException occurred: " + timesheet.getAdjustsRefCode(e)); //Shifts if (timesheet.getShifts() != null && timesheet.getShifts().length > 0) { for (Shift shift : timesheet.getShifts()) { System.out.println("Shift ID:"+shift.getId()); } |
Read a Timesheet including any invoices
try { IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetTimesheetById request=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetTimesheetById(); request.setId(<timesheet_id>); request.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call GetTimesheetByIdResponse timesheetResp=stub.getTimesheetById(request); Timesheet timesheet = timesheetResp.get_return(); System.out.println(" hoursRead Timesheet ID:" + shifttimesheet. getHoursgetId()); System.out.println(" DecimalStatus:" + shifttimesheet. getDecimalgetStatus()); System.out.println(" DayPlacement:" + new Date(shift.getDaytimesheet.getPlacementId()) + " (" + shift.getDay()+ ")");; if (timesheet.getPeriodEndDate() != null) System.out.println(" POEnd Date:" + shifttimesheet. getPurchaseOrderNumbergetPeriodEndDate()); if (timesheet.getCreated() != null) System.out.println(" StartCreated:" + new Date(shift.getStartTime()) +" (" + shift.getStartTime()+ ")");System.out.println("Rate Name:"+shift.getRateName()); timesheet.getCreated().getTime()); if (timesheet.getModified() != null) System.out.println(" Rate PayModified:" + shifttimesheet. getRategetModified(). getPaygetTime()); if (timesheet.getSubmitted() != null) System.out.println(" Rate ChargeSubmitted:" + shifttimesheet. getRategetSubmitted(). getChargegetTime()); } } //Associated Invoices & credits if (timesheet.getInvoiceInfogetApproved() != null) { for (InvoiceInfo invoice : timesheet.getInvoiceInfo()){ System.out.println(" Invoice NumberApproved:" + invoice.getInvoiceNumbertimesheet.getApproved().getTime()); System.out.println(" Invoice datetimesheetPay: " + invoice.getInvoiceDate().getTimetimesheet.getTimesheetPay()); System.out.println(" Invoice TypetimesheetCharge: " + invoicetimesheet. getInvoiceDescriptiongetTimesheetCharge()); System.out.println(" Invoice GUIDERNI: " + invoicetimesheet. getInvoiceGUIDgetErni()); System.out.println(" Invoice NetPension: " + invoicetimesheet. getNetgetPension()); System.out.println(" Invoice GrossHoliday: " + invoicetimesheet. getGrossgetHoliday()); System.out.println(" Invoice VATgetFullyInvoiced: " + invoicetimesheet. getVatgetFullyInvoiced()); System.out.println(" Invoice CurrencygetPurchaseWrittenOff: " + invoicetimesheet. getCurrencygetPurchaseWrittenOff()); if (invoice.getExported() != null) {System.out.println("getSalesWrittenOff: " + timesheet.getSalesWrittenOff()); System.out.println(" Exported dateWorker:" + invoicetimesheet. getExportedgetWorkerId() .getTime); System.out.println("Adjusts:" + timesheet.getAdjustsRefCode()); } } } } catch (Exception e//Shifts if (timesheet.getShifts() != null && timesheet.getShifts().length > 0) { for (Shift shift : timesheet.getShifts()) { System.out.println(" Exception occurredShift ID:"+ eshift.getId()); } |
Create or update a Worker
try {
//Attempt to read the worker first as it may already exist
IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetWorkerByExternalId getWorkerRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetWorkerByExternalId();
getWorkerRequest.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call
GetWorkerByExternalIdResponse workerResponse=stub.getWorkerByExternalId(getWorkerRequest);
Worker worker=workerResponse.get_return();
if (worker == null) {
//Worker did not exist
//set or update any fields as required
String[] wConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","worker" };
String[] wGrouping = new String[] { "sheet-rate" };
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
cal.set(1980, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
cal2.set(2017, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
cal2.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Address address = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Address();
address.setPostcode("AB1 2CD");
BankAccount bank = new BankAccount();
bank.setAccountName("Ltd Wkr");
Company ltdCompany = new Company();
ltdCompany.setName("Ltd Co Name");
IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorker request = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorker();
request.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call
IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorkerResponse result=stub.createOrUpdateWorker(request);
if (result != null) {
System.out.println("Created/updated Worker with ID:" + result.get_return());
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e);
Create a Placement
try{ //Attempt to read the placement first to check if it already exists IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId getPlacementRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId(); getPlacementRequest.setId("WEB-PLC-001"); getPlacementRequest.setToken(ticket); GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getPlacementByExternalId(getPlacementRequest); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Placement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); if (placement == null) { //placement does not exist placement = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Placement(); placement.setExternalId("WEB-PLC-001"); } //Consultant IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Consultant consultant= new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Consultant(); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetConsultantsByExternalId getConsultantRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetConsultantsByExternalId(); getConsultantRequest.setId("WEB-CON01"); getConsultantRequest.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call GetConsultantsByExternalIdResponse consultantResponse=stub.getConsultantsByExternalId(getConsultantRequest); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Consultant[] cons=consultantResponse.get_return(); if (cons== null || cons.size() < 1) { //consultant did not exist consultant.setExternalId("WEB-CON01"); consultant.setFirstname("Web"); consultant.setLastname("Consultant"); consultant.setEmail(""); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateConsultant createConsultantRequest = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateConsultant(); createConsultantRequest.setToken(ticket); createConsultantRequest.setConsultant(consultant); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateConsultantResponse createConsultantResult=stub.createOrUpdateConsultant(createConsultantRequest); if (createConsultantResultSystem.out.println("hours:"+shift.getHours()); System.out.println("Decimal:"+shift.getDecimal()); System.out.println("Day:" + new Date(shift.getDay()) + " (" + shift.getDay()+ ")"); System.out.println("PO:" + shift.getPurchaseOrderNumber()); System.out.println("Start:"+new Date(shift.getStartTime()) +" (" + shift.getStartTime()+ ")"); System.out.println("Rate Name:"+shift.getRateName()); System.out.println("Rate Pay:"+shift.getRate().getPay()); System.out.println("Rate Charge:"+shift.getRate().getCharge()); } } //Associated Invoices & credits if (timesheet.getInvoiceInfo() != null) { for (InvoiceInfo invoice : timesheet.getInvoiceInfo()){ System.out.println("Invoice Number:" + invoice.getInvoiceNumber()); System.out.println("Invoice date:" + invoice.getInvoiceDate().getTime()); System.out.println("Invoice Type:" + invoice.getInvoiceDescription()); System.out.println("Invoice GUID:" + invoice.getInvoiceGUID()); System.out.println("Invoice Net:" + invoice.getNet()); System.out.println("Invoice Gross:" + invoice.getGross()); System.out.println("Invoice VAT:" + invoice.getVat()); System.out.println("Invoice Currency:" + invoice.getCurrency()); if (invoice.getExported() != null) { System.out.println("Exported date:" + invoice.getExported().getTime()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Create or update a Worker
try { //Attempt to read the worker first as it may already exist IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetWorkerByExternalId getWorkerRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetWorkerByExternalId(); getWorkerRequest.setId("WEB-WKR01"); getWorkerRequest.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call GetWorkerByExternalIdResponse workerResponse=stub.getWorkerByExternalId(getWorkerRequest); Worker worker=workerResponse.get_return(); if (worker == null) { //Worker did not exist worker.setExternalId("WEB-WKR01"); } //set or update any fields as required worker.setFirstname("Ltd"); worker.setLastname("Worker"); worker.setEmail(""); worker.setTitle("Mrs"); worker.setWorkerType("ltd"); worker.setGender("F"); worker.setSelfBilling(false); worker.setAccountsReference("ACC_REF"); worker.setPaymentFrequency("Monthly"); String[] wConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","worker" }; worker.setConsolidation(wConsolidation); String[] wGrouping = new String[] { "sheet-rate" }; worker.setGrouping(wGrouping); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal.set(1980, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); worker.setDateOfBirth(cal); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal2.set(2017, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); cal2.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); worker.setDateOfJoining(cal2); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Address address = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Address(); address.setLine1("Address1"); address.setLine2("Add2"); address.setTown("Town"); address.setCounty("County"); address.setCountry("UK"); address.setPostcode("AB1 2CD"); address.setCountryCode("GB"); worker.setAddress(address); BankAccount bank = new BankAccount(); bank.setAccountName("Ltd Wkr"); bank.setAccountNumber("12345678"); bank.setBank("bank"); bank.setSortCode("11-22-33"); worker.setBankAccount(bank); Company ltdCompany = new Company(); ltdCompany.setName("Ltd Co Name"); ltdCompany.setCompanyNo("123456789"); ltdCompany.setCompanyVatNo("1234567890"); ltdCompany.setVatCode("T0"); worker.setLimitedCompany(ltdCompany); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorker request = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorker(); request.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call request.setWorker(worker); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorkerResponse result=stub.createOrUpdateWorker(request); if (result != null) { System.out.println("Created/updated Consultant Worker with ID:" + createConsultantResultresult.get_return()); } } else { consultant = cons[0]catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } placement.setConsultant(consultant); //Client
Create a Placement
try{ //Attempt to read the placement first to check if it already exists IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Client client GetPlacementByExternalId getPlacementRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.ClientGetPlacementByExternalId(); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetClientsByExternalId getClientRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetClientsByExternalId(); getClientRequestgetPlacementRequest.setId("WEB-PLC-CLI01001"); getClientRequestgetPlacementRequest.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate callGetClientsByExternalIdResponse clientResponse GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getClientsByExternalIdgetPlacementByExternalId(getClientRequestgetPlacementRequest); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Client[] clients=clientResponsePlacement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); if (clientsplacement == null || clients.size() < 1) { //client did not exist placement does not exist client.setExternalId("WEB-CLI01"); placement = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Placement(); clientplacement.setNamesetExternalId("Web Client WEB-PLC-001"); client.setTermsTemplateName("Default Charge Terms"); //populate other fields } //Consultant IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Consultant consultant= new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Consultant(); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateClient createClientRequest GetConsultantsByExternalId getConsultantRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateClient(.GetConsultantsByExternalId(); getConsultantRequest.setId("WEB-CON01"); createClientRequestgetConsultantRequest.setToken(ticket); createClientRequest.setClient(client//from authenticate call GetConsultantsByExternalIdResponse consultantResponse=stub.getConsultantsByExternalId(getConsultantRequest); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateClientResponse createClientResult=stub.createOrUpdateClient(createClientRequestConsultant[] cons=consultantResponse.get_return(); if (createClientResult !cons== null || cons.size() < 1) { System.out.println("Created/updated Client with ID:" + createClientResult.get_return()//consultant did not exist consultant.setExternalId("WEB-CON01"); consultant.setFirstname("Web"); }} else {consultant.setLastname("Consultant"); client = clients[0]; } placement.setClient(client); //Manager consultant.setEmail(""); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Manager manager CreateOrUpdateConsultant createConsultantRequest = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.ManagerCreateOrUpdateConsultant(); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetManagersByExternalId getManagerRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetManagersByExternalId( createConsultantRequest.setToken(ticket);getManagerRequest createConsultantRequest.setId("WEB-MAN01"setConsultant(consultant); getManagerRequest.setToken(ticket); //from authenticate call if (mgrs=createConsultantResult != null || mgrs.size() < 1) { //manager did not exist System.out.println("Created/updated Consultant with ID:" + createConsultantResult.get_return()); manager.setFirstname("Web"); } else { consultant = cons[0]; } placement.setConsultant(consultant); //Client IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Client client = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Client(); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetClientsByExternalId getClientRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateManager(GetClientsByExternalId(); getClientRequest.setId("WEB-CLI01"); createManagerRequestgetClientRequest.setToken(ticket); GetClientsByExternalIdResponse clientResponse=stub.getClientsByExternalId(getClientRequest); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateManagerResponse createManagerResult=stub.createOrUpdateManager(createManagerRequestClient[] clients=clientResponse.get_return(); if (createManagerResult !clients== null || clients.size() < 1) { //client did not exist Systemclient.out.printlnsetExternalId("Created/updated Manager with ID:" + createManagerResult.get_return()); //Worker IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetWorkersByExternalId getWorkerRequestWEB-CLI01"); client.setName("Web Client 001"); client.setTermsTemplateName("Default Charge Terms"); //populate other fields IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateClient createClientRequest = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetWorkersByExternalIdCreateOrUpdateClient();getWorkerRequest createClientRequest.setId("WEB-WKR01"setToken(ticket);getWorkerRequest createClientRequest.setTokensetClient(ticketclient); //from authenticate call IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Worker[] wkrs=workerResponse.get_return(CreateOrUpdateClientResponse createClientResult=stub.createOrUpdateClient(createClientRequest); if (wkrs=createClientResult != null || wkrs.size() < 1) { System.out.println("Created/updated Client with ID:" + createClientResult.get_return()); worker.setFirstname("Web");} } else { worker.setLastname("Worker"); } placement.setClient(client); //Manager IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Manager manager = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Manager(); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetManagersByExternalId getManagerRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorkerGetManagersByExternalId(); //set/update other placement fields placement.setContractedHours(new BigDecimal(37.5)); placement.setCurrencyForCharge("GBP"); placement.setCurrencyForPayExpenses("GBP"); placement.setCurrencyForPayTimesheets("GBP"); placement.setChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute("Client Manager Approval"); placement.setNonChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute("Auto Approval"); placement.setTimesheetApprovalRoute("Auto Approval"); placement.setExpenseTemplate("Default"); placement.setHolidayAccuralRate(0.12); placement.setJobDescription("Web Placement 1"); placement.setJobTitle("Web Test 001"); placement.setNoCommunications(""); placement.setPurchaseOrderNum("po_num"); placement.setSalesCostCentre("scc"); placement.setTimesheetDateCalculatorName("weekly"); placement.setPerm(false); Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal1.set(2021, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0); placement.setStart(cal1); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal2.set(2023, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0); placement.setEnd(cal2); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate[] rates = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate[1]; IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate rate1 = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate(); rate1.setName("Standard Hours"); rate1.setPay(new BigDecimal(9.99)); rate1.setCharge(new BigDecimal(11.11)); rate1.setPayElementCode("001"); rate1.setPeriod("Hourly"); rate1.setPeriodDuration(60); rate1.setPriorityOrder(0); rate1.setTimePattern("DEFAULT"); rate1.setTimesheetFields("START_FINISH_BREAK"); rate1.setSelectableByWorkers(true); rates[0] = rate1; placement.setRates(rates); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacement request = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacement(); request.setToken(ticket); request.setPlacement(placement); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacementResponse result=stub.createOrUpdatePlacement(request); if (result != null) { System.out.println("Created/updated Placement with ID:" + result.get_return()); } } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Update a Placement
try{ //Attempt to read the placement first IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId getPlacementRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId(); getPlacementRequest.setId("WEB-PLC-001"); getPlacementRequest.setToken(ticket); GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getPlacementByExternalId(getPlacementRequest); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Placement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); if (placement == null) { //placement does not exist placement = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Placement(); //refer to create placement process } //Apply any Consultant changes IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Consultant consultant=placement.getConsultant(); consultant.setDepartment("Web testing"); //Apply any Client changes IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Client client=placement.getClient(); client.getInvoicingContact().getAddress().setLine1("123 Test Street"); //Apply any Manager changes IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Manager manager=placement.getManager(); //Apply any Worker changes IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Worker worker=placement.getWorker(); worker.getLimitedCompany().setCompanyVatNo("67896789"); worker.setDefaultPaymentCurrency("GBP"); //set/update other placement fields placement.setPurchaseOrderNum("po_num 2"); placement.setSalesCostCentre("scc mod"); for (IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate rate : placement.getRates()) { if(rate.getName() == "Standard Hours") { //update pay/charge rate rate1.setPay(new BigDecimal(15)); rate1.setCharge(new BigDecimal(22.50)); } } manager.setFirstname("Web"); //Worker IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetWorkersByExternalId getWorkerRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetWorkersByExternalId();
//set/update other placement fields placement.setContractedHours(new BigDecimal(37.5)); placement.setCurrencyForCharge("GBP"); placement.setCurrencyForPayExpenses("GBP"); placement.setCurrencyForPayTimesheets("GBP"); placement.setChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute("Client Manager Approval"); placement.setNonChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute("Auto Approval"); placement.setTimesheetApprovalRoute("Auto Approval"); placement.setExpenseTemplate("Default"); placement.setHolidayAccuralRate(0.12); placement.setJobDescription("Web Placement 1"); placement.setJobTitle("Web Test 001"); placement.setNoCommunications(""); placement.setPurchaseOrderNum("po_num"); placement.setSalesCostCentre("scc"); placement.setTimesheetDateCalculatorName("weekly"); placement.setPerm(false); Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal1.set(2021, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0); placement.setStart(cal1); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal2.set(2023, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0); placement.setEnd(cal2); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate[] rates = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate[1]; IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate rate1 = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate(); rate1.setName("Standard Hours"); rate1.setPay(new BigDecimal(9.99)); rate1.setCharge(new BigDecimal(11.11)); rate1.setPayElementCode("001"); rate1.setPeriod("Hourly"); rate1.setPeriodDuration(60); rate1.setPriorityOrder(0); rate1.setTimePattern("DEFAULT"); rate1.setTimesheetFields("START_FINISH_BREAK"); rate1.setSelectableByWorkers(true); rates[0] = rate1; placement.setRates(rates); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacement request = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacement(); request.setToken(ticket); request.setPlacement(placement); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacementResponse result=stub.createOrUpdatePlacement(request); if (result != null) { System.out.println("Created/updated Placement with ID:" + result.get_return()); } } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Update a
Limited Company Details
Limited Company type workers have additional information that relate to their limited company. To provide access to this an associated LimitedCompany object and a LtdCompanyContact object were added to the Worker object.
The following RSM InTime data fields appear in both the Worker object and the associated LimitedCompany Object: AccountsReference (AccountsRef), VATCode, DefaultPaymentCurrency (Currency), NominalCode, ExpensesNominalCode, Consolidation and Grouping.
Version 2.9 and earlier: Both the LtdCompanyContact object and the LimitedCompany.InvoiceContact are populated when reading a Worker from RSM InTime. When creating or updating RSM InTime you should set the fields in the ltdCompanyContact object for the contact name, email, phone and address details.
The following fields should be read from and updated on the Worker base object: AccountsRef, DefaultPaymentCurrency, NominalCode, ExpensesNominalCode, Consolidation and Grouping.
The VAT Code should be read from and updated via the associated LimitedCompany object.
Version 3.0 as of this version the situation is simplified. There is no LtdCompanyContact object on the worker. The Limited Company Contact details (name, email, address) should be read and updated via the LimitedCompany.InvoiceContact object. All the following fields can only be read from and updated from the Worker base object: AccountsRef, VATCode, DefaultPaymentCurrency, NominalCode, ExpensesNominalCode, Consolidation and Grouping. Note: Both Worker and LimitedCompany objects have timesheetsOnInvoices field - the one specified in the LimitedCompany will take precedence over Worker.
Whilst using the RSM InTime Web Services, some fields have expected values from a range of constants. These are detailed below.
try{ //Read Attempt to read the associated placement so we can reference the rates & participantsplacement first IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId getPlacementRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId(); getPlacementRequest.setId("WEB-PLC-001"); getPlacementRequest.setToken(ticket); GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getPlacementByExternalId(getPlacementRequest); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Placement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); //identify the required rate Rate rate1 = null; for (Rate rate : placement.getRates()) { if (rate.getName().equals("Standard Hours")) { rate1 = rate; } } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); //create a timesheetSubmission IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Timesheet timesheetSubmission = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Timesheet(); timesheetSubmission.setPlacementExternalRef(placement.getExternalId()); timesheetSubmission.setSubmitterId(placement.getWorker().getId()); //Whoever is creating the Timesheet timesheetSubmission.setPeriodEndDate(cal.getTime()); //Add the Shifts IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Shift shift = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Shift(); shift.setComment("Shift 1 comment"); shift.setDay(cal.getTimeInMillis()); //set the day the shift relates to shift.setRateId(rate1.getId()); if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("START_FINISH_BREAK")) { //This rate requires start, finish and break times entered for the shift Calendar calStart = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); calStart.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); calStart.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calStart.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 8); shift.setStartTime(calStart.getTimeInMillis()); Calendar calEnd = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); calEnd.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); calStart.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calEnd.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 17); shift.setFinishTime(calEnd.getTimeInMillis()); shift.setMealBreak(3600000L); //1 hour in milliseconds } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("HOURS")) { shift.setHours(8 * 60 * 60 * 1000L); } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("DECIMAL")) { shift.setDecimal(new BigDecimal(1)); } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("DAY")) { shift.setDecimal(new BigDecimal(1)); } Shift[] shifts = new Shift[1]; shifts[0] = shift; timesheetSubmission.setShifts(shifts); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.UpdateTimesheet updateTimesheetRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.UpdateTimesheet(); updateTimesheetRequest.setToken(ticket); updateTimesheetRequest.setTimesheet(timesheetSubmission); UpdateTimesheetResponse updateTimesheetResponse=stub.updateTimesheet(updateTimesheetRequest); Long timesheetId=updateTimesheetResponse.get_return(); System.out.println("Update Timesheet returned:"+timesheetId); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Submit a Timesheet
try {
IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.SubmitTimesheet submitTimesheetRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.SubmitTimesheet();
SubmitTimesheetResponse submitTimesheetResponse=stub.submitTimesheet(submitTimesheetRequest);
System.out.println("Submit Timesheet returned: "+submitTimesheetResponse.get_return());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e);
Get a Single Sign-on token
try {
GetSingleSignOnToken ss=new GetSingleSignOnToken();
GetSingleSignOnTokenResponse ssResp=stub.getSingleSignOnToken(ss);
if (ssResp!=null) {
System.out.println("Single Sign on Token: " + ssResp.get_return());
//Can now append the token to any InTime URL to use access it without logging in. E.g.
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e);
if (placement == null) { //placement does not exist placement = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Placement(); //refer to create placement process } //Apply any Consultant changes IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Consultant consultant=placement.getConsultant(); consultant.setDepartment("Web testing"); //Apply any Client changes IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Client client=placement.getClient(); client.getInvoicingContact().getAddress().setLine1("123 Test Street"); //Apply any Manager changes IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Manager manager=placement.getManager(); //Apply any Worker changes IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Worker worker=placement.getWorker(); worker.getLimitedCompany().setCompanyVatNo("67896789"); worker.setDefaultPaymentCurrency("GBP"); //set/update other placement fields placement.setPurchaseOrderNum("po_num 2"); placement.setSalesCostCentre("scc mod"); for (IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Rate rate : placement.getRates()) { if(rate.getName() == "Standard Hours") { //update pay/charge rate rate1.setPay(new BigDecimal(15)); rate1.setCharge(new BigDecimal(22.50)); } } IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacement request = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacement(); request.setToken(ticket); request.setPlacement(placement); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacementResponse result=stub.createOrUpdatePlacement(request); if (result != null) { System.out.println("Created/updated Placement with ID:" + result.get_return()); } } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Create or update a Timesheet
try{ //Read the associated placement so we can reference the rates & participants IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId getPlacementRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId(); getPlacementRequest.setId("WEB-PLC-001"); getPlacementRequest.setToken(ticket); GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getPlacementByExternalId(getPlacementRequest); Placement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); //identify the required rate Rate rate1 = null; for (Rate rate : placement.getRates()) { if (rate.getName().equals("Standard Hours")) { rate1 = rate; } } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); //create a timesheetSubmission IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Timesheet timesheetSubmission = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Timesheet(); timesheetSubmission.setPlacementExternalRef(placement.getExternalId()); timesheetSubmission.setSubmitterId(placement.getWorker().getId()); //Whoever is creating the Timesheet timesheetSubmission.setPeriodEndDate(cal.getTime()); //Add the Shifts IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Shift shift = new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.Shift(); shift.setComment("Shift 1 comment"); shift.setDay(cal.getTimeInMillis()); //set the day the shift relates to shift.setRateId(rate1.getId()); if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("START_FINISH_BREAK")) { //This rate requires start, finish and break times entered for the shift Calendar calStart = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); calStart.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); calStart.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calStart.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 8); shift.setStartTime(calStart.getTimeInMillis()); Calendar calEnd = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); calEnd.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); calStart.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calEnd.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 17); shift.setFinishTime(calEnd.getTimeInMillis()); shift.setMealBreak(3600000L); //1 hour in milliseconds } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("HOURS")) { shift.setHours(8 * 60 * 60 * 1000L); } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("DECIMAL")) { shift.setDecimal(new BigDecimal(1)); } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("DAY")) { shift.setDecimal(new BigDecimal(1)); } Shift[] shifts = new Shift[1]; shifts[0] = shift; timesheetSubmission.setShifts(shifts); IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.UpdateTimesheet updateTimesheetRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.UpdateTimesheet(); updateTimesheetRequest.setToken(ticket); updateTimesheetRequest.setTimesheet(timesheetSubmission); UpdateTimesheetResponse updateTimesheetResponse=stub.updateTimesheet(updateTimesheetRequest); Long timesheetId=updateTimesheetResponse.get_return(); System.out.println("Update Timesheet returned:"+timesheetId); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Submit a Timesheet
try { IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.SubmitTimesheet submitTimesheetRequest=new IntimeServiceV3_2Stub.SubmitTimesheet(); submitTimesheetRequest.setToken(ticket); submitTimesheetRequest.setTimesheetId(<timesheet_id>); SubmitTimesheetResponse submitTimesheetResponse=stub.submitTimesheet(submitTimesheetRequest); System.out.println("Submit Timesheet returned: "+submitTimesheetResponse.get_return()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Get a Single Sign-on token
try { GetSingleSignOnToken ss=new GetSingleSignOnToken(); ss.setToken(ticket); ss.setUsername(<username>); ss.setTimeToLiveSeconds(360); GetSingleSignOnTokenResponse ssResp=stub.getSingleSignOnToken(ss); if (ssResp!=null) { System.out.println("Single Sign on Token: " + ssResp.get_return()); } //Can now append the token to any InTime URL to use access it without logging in. E.g. //<placement_id>&ticket=<token> } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Limited Company Details
Limited Company type workers have additional information that relate to their limited company. To provide access to this an associated LimitedCompany object and a LtdCompanyContact object were added to the Worker object.
The following RSM InTime data fields appear in both the Worker object and the associated LimitedCompany Object: AccountsReference (AccountsRef), VATCode, DefaultPaymentCurrency (Currency), NominalCode, ExpensesNominalCode, Consolidation and Grouping.
Version 2.9 and earlier: Both the LtdCompanyContact object and the LimitedCompany.InvoiceContact are populated when reading a Worker from RSM InTime. When creating or updating RSM InTime you should set the fields in the ltdCompanyContact object for the contact name, email, phone and address details.
The following fields should be read from and updated on the Worker base object: AccountsRef, DefaultPaymentCurrency, NominalCode, ExpensesNominalCode, Consolidation and Grouping.
The VAT Code should be read from and updated via the associated LimitedCompany object.
Version 3.0 as of this version the situation is simplified. There is no LtdCompanyContact object on the worker. The Limited Company Contact details (name, email, address) should be read and updated via the LimitedCompany.InvoiceContact object. All the following fields can only be read from and updated from the Worker base object: AccountsRef, VATCode, DefaultPaymentCurrency, NominalCode, ExpensesNominalCode, Consolidation and Grouping. Note: Both Worker and LimitedCompany objects have timesheetsOnInvoices field - the one specified in the LimitedCompany will take precedence over Worker.
Whilst using the RSM InTime Web Services, some fields have expected values from a range of constants. These are detailed below.
Field | Constant | Comment | Notes |
Client | |||
invoicePeriod | 0 | Weekly | |
1 | Two-Weekly | ||
2 | Four-Weekly | ||
3 | Calendar Monthly | ||
4 | 4-4-5 | ||
5 | Other | ||
InvoiceDeliveryMethod (howSendInvoices) | 0 | Post | Invoice delivery method |
1 | |||
2 | Fax | ||
3 | Not sent | ||
timesheetsOnInvoices | 0 | Timesheets On Invoices | |
1 | Timesheets Not On Invoices | ||
paperOnInvoices | -1 | Agency Default | |
0 | No Attachments | ||
1 | Attach Paper Timesheets | ||
2 | Attach Expense Group Paper | ||
4 | Attach Expense Receipts Paper | ||
<sum of the above> | Attach the appropriate paper | For example, 5 to attach timesheets and receipts | |
consolidation | Code Required String[] cConsolidation = new String[] { "charge-payment-term","destination","source","charge-currency","sales-tax-code","client" }; | Everything Goes On One Invoice | |
Code Required String[] cConsolidation = new String[] { "charge-payment-term","destination","source","charge-currency","sales-tax-code","client","sheet-type" }; | Expenses Go On On Invoice And Expenses Go On Another | ||
Code Required String[] cConsolidation = new String[] { "charge-payment-term","destination","source","charge-currency","sales-tax-code","client","placement" }; | Each Placement is Invoiced Separately | ||
Code Required String[] cConsolidation = new String[] { "charge-payment-term","destination","source","charge-currency","sales-tax-code","client","sheet" }; | Each Timesheet Or Expense Item Is Invoiced Separately | ||
Code Required String[] cConsolidation = new String[] { "charge-payment-term","destination","source","charge-currency","sales-tax-code","client",”worker” }; | Each Candidate Is Invoiced Separately | ||
grouping | Code Required String[] cGrouping = new String[] { "sheet-rate" }; client.setGrouping(cGrouping); | Sheet Rate | |
Worker | |||
workerType | paye | For PAYE Workers | |
ltd | For Ltd Company Workers | ||
external-contractor | For Non Ltd Company Workers | ||
cis | For CIS Workers | ||
umb | For Workers operating through an Umbrella | You must also reference the umbrella against the worker, otherwise the worker will appear as LTD. | |
ir35 | For workers inside scope of IR35 (deemed) | ||
cisBusinessType | SoleTrader | ||
Company | |||
Trust | |||
Partnership | |||
cisPercentage | 0 | ||
20 | |||
30 | |||
paymentFrequency | weekly | ||
monthly | |||
<InPay Payroll Name> | If InPay connected, for PAYE workers, use the InPay Payroll Name | ||
limitedCompany.timesheetsOnInvoices | 0 | Timesheets On Invoices | |
1 | Timesheets Not On Invoices | ||
limitedCompany.paperOnInvoices | -1 | Agency Default | |
0 | No Attachments | ||
1 | Attach Paper Timesheets | ||
2 | Attach Expense Group Paper | ||
4 | Attach Expense Receipts Paper | ||
<sum of the above> | Attach the appropriate paper | For example, 5 to attach timesheets and receipts | |
gender | M | ||
F | |||
limitedCompany.invoicePeriod | 0 | Weekly | |
1 | Two-Weekly | ||
2 | Four-Weekly | ||
3 | Calendar Monthly | ||
4 | 4-4-5 | ||
5 | Other |
Payment Method | bacs | NOT CASE SENSITIVE | |
cheque | NOT CASE SENSITIVE | ||
international | NOT CASE SENSITIVE | ||
building society | NOT CASE SENSITIVE | ||
sendLtdCompanyTimesheets | 0 | Do not send a copy of the timesheets to the worker or provider | |
1 | Only send a copy of timesheets to the worker's ltd company email address | ||
2 | Send a copy of timesheets to the worker's provider if they have one, otherwise send it to the worker | ||
3 | Send copies to both the worker and provider | ||
consolidation | Code Required String[] |
wConsolidation = new String[] { |
"destination","source"," |
pay-currency"," |
purchase-tax-code"," |
worker" }; |
worker.setConsolidation( |
wConsolidation); | Everything Goes On One Invoice | |
Code Required String[] |
wConsolidation = new String[] { |
" |
destination","source"," |
pay-currency"," |
purchase-tax-code"," |
worker","sheet-type" }; |
worker.setConsolidation( |
wConsolidation); | Expenses Go On On Invoice And Expenses Go On Another | |
Code Required String[] |
Each Placement is Invoiced Separately
Code Required
String[] cConsolidationwConsolidation = new String[] { |
" |
destination","source"," |
pay-currency"," |
purchase-tax-code"," |
worker"," |
placement" }; |
worker.setConsolidation( |
wConsolidation); | Each |
Placement is Invoiced Separately | |
Code Required String[] |
wConsolidation = new String[] { " |
destination","source"," |
pay-currency"," |
purchase-tax-code"," |
worker", |
"sheet" }; |
worker.setConsolidation( |
wConsolidation); | Each |
Timesheet Or Expense Item Is Invoiced Separately | |||
grouping | Code Required String[] |
wGrouping = new String[ |
Do not send a copy of the timesheets to the worker or provider
Code Required
String[] wConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","worker" };
Everything Goes On One Invoice
Code Required
String[] wConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","worker","sheet-type" };
Expenses Go On On Invoice And Expenses Go On Another
Code Required
String[] wConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","worker","placement" };
Each Placement is Invoiced Separately
Code Required
String[] wConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","worker","sheet" };
Each Timesheet Or Expense Item Is Invoiced Separately
Code Required
String[] wGrouping = new String[] { "sheet","sheet-rate" };
] { "sheet","sheet-rate" }; worker.setGrouping(wGrouping); | Sheet Rate | ||
statementA | StatementA | Example: "ANN NN" | |
statementD | Always N | N | |
engagementType | None/N,A,B,C,D,E,F,Z | ||
Placement | |||
layout | standard | See Maintaining Placements | |
calendar | |||
timesheetDateCalculator | Usual: weekly (Default: Monday - Sunday) monthly (Calendar: 1st - 28/29/30/31th) Others: weekly_tue-mon weekly_wed-tue weekly_thurs-wed weekly_fri-thurs weekly_sat-fri weekly_sun-sat two-weekly two-weekly_tue-mon two-weekly_wed-tue two-weekly_thurs-wed two-weekly_fri-thurs two-weekly_sat-fri two-weekly_sun-sat two-weekly_timeplan four-weekly half-monthly-16th monthly2nd monthly3rd monthly4th monthly5th monthly6th monthly7th monthly8th monthly9th monthly10th monthly11th monthly12th monthly13th monthly14th monthly15th monthly16th monthly17th monthly18th monthly19th monthly20th monthly21st monthly22th monthly23th monthly24th monthly25th monthly26th monthly27th monthly28th half-monthly-15th four-four-five four-four-five-lastFri-old four-four-five-lastFri weekly-split four-four-five-2ndLastFri weekly_tue-mon-split weekly_wed-tue-split weekly_thurs-wed-split weekly_fri-thurs-split weekly_sat-fri-split weekly_sun-sat-split two-weekly-split two-weekly-alt four-weekly-split two-weekly-split-alt | See Maintaining Placements | |
Rates | |||
period | 60 / H | For hourly rates entered in hours format (hours only or start, break, finish). | |
1440 / F | For fixed rates of a specified duration entered in decimal format (decimal or tickbox) | ||
periodDuration | <any integer> | The duration in minutes for the fixed rate (e.g. 60 for hourly rates, 480 for a daily rates (if daily rate it worth 8 hours)). | |
timePattern | default | Will use the selected default time pattern | |
<any string> | The string should match the name of a time pattern in the system | ||
timesheetFields | START_FINISH_BREAK | Enter start, break, finish | Only when period above is 60 |
HOURS | Enter hours only | Only when period above is 60 | |
DECIMAL | Enter time as a decimal | Only when period above is 1440 | |
DAY | Tickbox only (equivalent to entering decimals as 1.00) | Only when period above is 1440 | |
InvoiceAdjustmentSettings (Company / Worker) | |||
AdjustBy | 0 | Fixed Amount | |
1 | Percentage | ||
AdjustPer | 0 | Per Worker | |
1 | Per Timesheet | ||
2 | Per Invoice | ||
AdjustType | 0 | Addition | |
1 | Deduction | ||
ExpenseType | |||
EntryMethod | 0 | Gross value | Populate the GrossValue and optionally the VatAmount field on an ExpenseItem with this entry method |
1 | Net Value | Populate the NetValue field on an ExpenseItem with this entry method | |
2 | Units and Unit net | Populate the Unit and UnitNet fields on an ExpenseItem with this entry method. E.g. Set Unit = 30 and UnitNet = 0.45 to claim 30 miles at 45p per mile. | |
3 | Units and Net | Populate the Unit and Net Value fields on an ExpenseItem with this entry method. | |
Timesheet | |||
Status | getTimesheetStatus() | getStatus() | |
-1 | DELETED | ||
2 | SUBMITTED | ||
3 | APPROVED | ||
5 | COMPLETED | ||
-2 | MISSING | ||
-3 | REVERTED | ||
InvoiceInfo (Invoice) | |||
Invoice Type | getInvoiceDescription() | ||
Advice Note | |||
Client Invoice | |||
Client Credit Note | |||
Self Bill Invoice | |||
Self Bill Credit Note | |||
Supplier Invoice | |||
Supplier Credit Note | |||
Provider | |||
consolidation | Code Required String[] pConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","ltd-co-provider" }; | Everything Goes On One Invoice | |
Code Required String[] pConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","ltd-co-provider","sheet-type" }; | Expenses Go On On Invoice And Expenses Go On Another | ||
Code Required String[] pConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","ltd-co-provider","placement" }; | Each Placement is Invoiced Separately | ||
Code Required String[] pConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","ltd-co-provider","sheet" }; | Each Timesheet Or Expense Item Is Invoiced Separately | ||
Code Required String[] pConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","ltd-co-provider",”worker” }; | Each Candidate Is Invoiced Separately | ||
grouping | Code Required String[] pGrouping = new String[] { "sheet-rate" }; provider.setGrouping(pGrouping); | Sheet Rate | |
invoicePeriod | 0 | Weekly | |
1 | Two-Weekly | ||
2 | Four-Weekly | ||
3 | Calendar Monthly | ||
4 | 4-4-5 | ||
5 | Other | ||
timesheetsOnInvoices | 0 | Timesheets On Invoices | |
1 | Timesheets Not On Invoices | ||
paperOnInvoices | -1 | Agency Default | |
0 | No Attachments | ||
1 | Attach Paper Timesheets | ||
2 | Attach Expense Group Paper | ||
4 | Attach Expense Receipts Paper | ||
<sum of the above> | Attach the appropriate paper | For example, 5 to attach timesheets and receipts |