- Net Amount. Enter the net amount for this adjustment (set this to 0 if you want to create a manual vat adjustment or negative to create a credit note).
- VAT Amount. Enter the VAT amount. The VAT amount is not automatically calculated
- Line Description. Enter the description to be used on the invoice
- Tax Code. Choose the relevant tax code
- Placement. Choose a placement to attached the adjustment to. This is necessary to ensure that adjustments can be found using the search screens within RSM InTime. Note, it can often be a good idea to create a separate placement and client record for adjustments. In the example here where a rebate is being created it is not applicable to any one client and it would therefore be more appropriate to create a separate client and placement.
- Timesheet. Select a timesheet if you would like the adjustment to be added to a timesheet and factored into the margin report.
- Document Date. Enter the date for this adjustment invoice.