Workers Contractors can either submit expenses claims at the same time as submitting timesheets or submit them independently of submitting timesheets. The process for submitting an expenses claim is very similar to creating a timesheet.
The InTime administrator sets up the categories of expense that can be claimed by the workerplacement defines the types of expenses that can be claimed on each placement via the expense template.
If the expense template on a placement is "No Expenses Claimed" then no expenses can be claimed, even by an Administrator.
Who can fill in an expenses claim?
- Workers Contractors can fill in their own expenses claims.
- Managers Administrators and consultants Consultants can also fill in claims on behalf of workerscontractors.
What roles must a user have?
The user must have the Expense Web Entry and the Expense Write roles.
In addition, the contractor must have one or more placements which have a valid expense template, i.e. not No Expenses Paid.
How do I make an expenses claim?
Before a worker can claim expenses, an expense template must be set for the placement. See Maintaining Placements /wiki/spaces/ds/pages/51871937.
To claim expenses
- Either:
- Create and submit a timesheet (or search for a previously submitted timesheet), then, on the Timesheet screen, click Related Expenses; or
- On For Contractors, from the menu bar, select Expenses>Claim (this menu option is only available to workers).
- For Administrators or Consultants, find the contractor from the contract list
The Create Expense Claim page is displayed.
The unshaded, white fields are the fields into which you can enter information. The values in the shaded fields are are automatically calculated, based upon the expense category that you select:
Tip: To save time, you can copy a previous expense claim and use that as the basis for your current claim. Click the Copy a previous expense claim link at the bottom of the Expenses Claim section. #zzz We couldn’t get this to work. We had some approved expenses and it wouldn’t find them.# You can add some additional information to the top of the screen using custom text to provide information about your expense claim policy for example. The custom text type to select in the drop-down is Web Entry Expenses
The fields on this screen are described in the following table:
,Field Description Category The type of expense that is being claimed. For example, this could be mileage, food, or entertaining.
The fields that you can enter information into will depend upon the category that you have chosen. For example, if there is a category called ‘mileage’, the Unit Net Rate field would
#zzzbe pre-populated with the amount that can be claimed per mile. You would then enter the number of miles that are actually being claimed in the Units field.
Receipt Date The date for which the expense type is being claimed. You can only select a date within the time period for which you are claiming Description Optionally, enter a description of the expense category. Units The number of items claimed, such as items of food; or the number of miles claimed. Unit Net Rate The rate at which the units are claimed (for example, the mileage rate; or the overall cost of the unit being claimed, such as a sandwich or a bottle of drink). Net The calculated cost of the units at the unit net rate. Sales Tax Rate The applicable sales tax rate. Sales Tax The applicable sales tax. Gross The net amount being claimed, plus sales tax. Currency The currency in which the expense was incurred.
##zzz In the training video, there was a field here that allowed the uploading of paper receipts. Is this still available? How do you get it to appear? We couldn't get it to appear, even though we went into the expense type configuration and enabled it on the Default expense type.#Receipt RSM InTime does allow the uploading of electronic copies of paper receipts. This is a configuration option. Please contact the customer support team for more information. Copy This will duplicate the information in the current row to the row below. In the new row, you will still need to select the receipt date. Remove Remove the information in the current field. - To attach a scanned version of a paper copy to the expense claim, use the Paper Upload section to browse for , and select , a file from your computer.
- To save your expenses claim, click Save.
A summary of the draft expenses claim is displayed. You can still edit the claim by clicking Edit.
Note: If you are a contractor, you can also access the draft expenses claim from the menu bar, by selecting Expenses>Drafts. - When you are ready to submit the draft claim for approval, click Submit.
The expense items are submitted for approval.
Frequently asked questions
- I am a consultant, and workers often contractors often get their expenses approved by clients. They then want to attach the expense approval when When they enter their expenses in RSM InTime. How can this be achieved without InTime sending , how can they attach that approval without any further correspondence being sent to the client when the expenses are saved?
Set the expense approval route for the placement, so that the expenses only have to be approved by yourself rather than a manager at the client. For more information, see The Approval Process. If you do not have the correct privileges to be able to approve expenses in RSM InTime, please contact the RSM ESL support team. See Requesting Support. - Can I add some information to the expense entry screen? Yes, you can use custom text. See the Tip above.
- How can I delete a Draft expense claim?
You can only delete an expense claim that is in Draft status. If the expense is in any other status then you must first revert the timesheet.
- Go to Expenses > Drafts > Search for the expense > Click on the expense ID
- Click on Edit
- Select a Period
- Delete each row of the expense claim by clicking on the red bin icon to the right
- Once all rows have been removed, click on Save