Description/Purpose | |
Standard Time | Enter the Rate Name/Pay element of the standard rate on the placement(s) that this rule will be applied to . |
Daily Threshold 1 | Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any hours over this threshold will be applied to moved onto the daily over threshold 1 rate. |
Daily Threshold 2 | Enter the number of hours for which the second overtime threshold will be met. Any hours over this threshold will be applied to moved onto the daily over threshold 2 rate. |
Saturday | Select Per Day. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Saturday hours over this threshold will be applied to the Saturday over threshold rate. |
Sunday | Select Per Day. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Sunday hours over this threshold will be applied to the Sunday over threshold rate. |
National Holidays | Select Per Day. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any bank holiday hours over this threshold will be applied to the National Holidays over threshold rate. |
Description/Purpose | |
Standard Time | Enter the Rate Name/Pay element of the standard rate on the placement(s) this rule will be applied to. |
Period Threshold | Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any hours over this threshold for the timesheet period will be applied to the daily over threshold 1 rate. |
Saturday | Select Per Period. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Saturday hours over this threshold will be applied to moved onto the Saturday over threshold rate once the number of hours for the period exceeds the threshold. |
Sunday | Select Per Period. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Sunday hours over this threshold will be applied to moved onto the Sunday Saturday over threshold rate once the number of hours for the period exceeds the threshold. |
National Holidays | Select Per Period. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any hours over this threshold will be applied to the National Holidays over threshold rate. |
Description/Purpose | |
Standard Time | Enter the Rate Name/Pay element of the standard rate on the placement(s) this rule will be applied to. |
Consecutive Working Days | Enter the number of days which must be worked consecutively before the overtime rule is applied. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met per day once the consecutive days have been worked. Any hours over this threshold will be applied to the over threshold rate. |
Standard Time | Rate Name - Standard |
Daily Threshold 1 | Threshold Hours - 7.5 Over Threshold Rate Name - OT1 |
Saturday | Under Threshold Rate Name - Standard Threshold Hours - 0 Select Per Day Over Threshold Rate Name - OT2 |
Sunday | Under Threshold Rate Name - Standard Threshold Hours - 0 Select Per Day Over Threshold Rate Name - OT2 |
Any worked hours between Any hours worked Monday to Friday to be paid at standard rate (Standard). Any hours worked on Saturday or Sunday to be paid at overtime rate 1 (OT1) where => 37 hours have been worked between Monday to Friday.
Standard Time | Rate Name - Standard |
Period Threshold | Threshold Hours - 40 Over Threshold Rate Name - OT1 |
Saturday | Under Threshold Rate Name - Standard Threshold Hours - 0 Select Per Day Over Threshold Rate Name - OT2 |
Sunday | Under Threshold Rate Name - Standard Threshold Hours - 0 Select Per Day Over Threshold Rate Name - OT2 |
National Holidays | Under Threshold Rate Name - Standard Threshold Hours - 0 Select Per Day Over Threshold Rate Name - OT3 |
Normal hours paid at Standard Rate. More than 8 hours worked Monday to Friday to be paid at OT1. Saturday paid at OT1 unless more than 40 hours worked in the period then OT2. Sunday paid at OT2 then OT3 when more than 4 hours worked on that day. Any hours worked on a bank holiday to be paid at overtime rate 3 (OT3).
Standard Time | Rate Name - Standard |
Daily Threshold 1 | Threshold Hours - 8 Over Threshold Rate Name - OT1 |
Saturday | Under Threshold Rate Name - OT1 Threshold Hours - 40 Select Per Period Over Threshold Rate Name - OT2 |
Sunday | Under Threshold Rate Name - OT2 Threshold Hours - 4 Select Per Day Over Threshold Rate Name - OT3 |
National Holidays | Under Threshold Rate Name - Standard Threshold Hours - 0 Select Per Day Over Threshold Rate Name - OT4 |
Normal hours paid on Standard rate. Any hours worked more than 5 consecutve days to be paid at OT1.
Standard Time | Rate Name - Standard |
Consecutive Working Days | Consecutive Days - 5 Under threshold - Standard Threshold hours - 0 Over Threshold Rate Name - OT1 |
Normal hours paid on Standard rate. Normal time after 4 consecutve days to be paid at OT1, more than 6 hours worked per day after 4 consecutive days paid at OT2.
Standard Time | Rate Name - Standard |
Consecutive Working Days | Consecutive Days - 5 Under threshold - OT1 Threshold hours - 6 Over Threshold Rate Name - OT2 |
Overtime Rules: Period trigger for enabling daily thresholds
Firstly, within your placement go to the Advanced Tab, and within Filters select Time Pattern Filter and Recalculate filter this will allow the overtime rules to apply.
Click on the System Cog, and go to the Timesheet Panel and select Overtime Rules.
Time over threshold goes onto Rate (Existing behaviour): Existing behaviour of Period threshold applied when user selects this option.
Threshold Hours - The number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any hours over this threshold for the timesheet period will be applied to the over threshold rate or Pay Element you select.
Time over threshold triggers Daily Thresholds: This option is added to make the Period threshold be a trigger for enabling the daily thresholds, rather than a threshold that picks it’s own rate.
Checkbox - "Use Total Hours for Period Thresholds" not ticked in conjunction with "Time over threshold triggers Daily Thresholds" option- Daily thresholds kick in only after period threshold is reached.
Checkbox - "Use Total Hours for Period Thresholds" ticked in conjunction with "Time over threshold triggers Daily Thresholds" option- The Daily thresholds will apply to ALL days if the period threshold has been exceeded.
Overtime Rules: Separate overtime rates for individual days
All days from Monday to Friday are added so that overtime rules can be customised – Per Day and Per Period basis for each day.
For daily overtime rules:
Description / Purpose | |
Monday | Select Per Day. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Monday hours over this threshold will be applied to the Monday over threshold rate. |
Tuesday | Select Per Day. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Tuesday hours over this threshold will be applied to the Tuesday over threshold rate. |
Wednesday | Select Per Day. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Wednesday hours over this threshold will be applied to the Wednesday over threshold rate. |
Thursday | Select Per Day. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Thursday hours over this threshold will be applied to the Thursday over threshold rate. |
Friday | Select Per Day. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Friday hours over this threshold will be applied to the Friday over threshold rate. |
For period overtime rules:
Description / Purpose | |
Monday | Select Per Period. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Monday hours will be moved onto the Monday over threshold rate once the number of hours for the period exceeds the threshold. |
Tuesday | Select Per Period. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Tuesday hours will be moved onto the Tuesday over threshold rate once the number of hours for the period exceeds the threshold. |
Wednesday | Select Per Period. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Wednesday hours will be moved onto the Wednesday over threshold rate once the number of hours for the period exceeds the threshold. |
Thursday | Select Per Period. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Thursday hours will be moved onto the Thursday over threshold rate once the number of hours for the period exceeds the threshold. |
Friday | Select Per Period. Enter the number of hours for which the overtime threshold will be met. Any Friday hours will be moved onto the Friday over threshold rate once the number of hours for the period exceeds the threshold. |
Use Total Hours For Period Thresholds | If this check box is unticked, the hours are cumulative so days later in the week are more likely to reach the threshold If this checkbox is ticked, the total hours for the week are calculated first and if the threshold is exceed the overtime rule will apply straight away. |