If instead you wish to correct a timesheet that has the wrong pay rate, charge rate or number of hours, see the Adjustment Wizard.
Adjustment invoices can be raised as follows. Firstly, choose the Worker or Provider option from the Profiles menu. Search to find the relevant worker/provider. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Edit button for the relevant worker or provider.
Select the Adjustment Invoice option. A screen similar to the image below will be displayed.
- Net Amount. Enter the net amount for this adjustment (set this to 0 if you want to create a manual vat adjustment or negative to create a credit note).
- VAT Amount. Enter the VAT amount. The VAT amount is not automatically calculated
- Line Description. Enter the description to be used on the invoice
- Tax Code. Choose the relevant tax code
- Placement. Choose a placement to attached the adjustment to. This is necessary to ensure that adjustments can be found using the search screens within RSM InTime. Note, it can often be a good idea to create a separate placement and client record for adjustments. In the example here where a rebate is being created it is not applicable to any one client and it would therefore be more appropriate to create a separate client and placement.
- Timesheet. Select a timesheet if you would like the adjustment to be added to a timesheet and factored into the margin report.
- Document Date. Enter the date for this adjustment invoice.