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The External Export screen allows all Employee payslips for a specified payroll and pay period to be exported to an external SFTP server.Image Removedfor the generation and delivery of Payslips, P60s, and P45 to a specified SFTP location.

Image Added


In order to begin exporting, the following configuration must be specified.

  • SFTP Configuration
    • Host Address - The IP Address or Host name of the destination SFTP server to export the payslips/P60s to. A port can be specified by appending a colon followed by a port number to the end of the host address e.g. If no port is specified, the default of port 22 will be used.
    • Remote Directory - The directory on the SFTP Server where the payslips/P60s will be saved. The directory must exist and have the correct permissions to allow for reading and writing of files.
    • Username - Username of the account that will be used to connect to the SFTP server.
    • Password - Password of the account that will be used to connect to the SFTP server.
  • Export Settings
    • Export Type - The document type to export (P60, Payslip)
    • Export Level - A configuration that determines how the resultant PDF payslips/P60s will be exported.
      • Company (P60 only) - A single PDF file containing P60s for the entire company
      • Payroll (Payslip only) - A single PDF file will be exported containing all the payslips for the payroll.
      • Employee - Each payslip/P60 will be contained inside their own PDF. There will be a PDF file per payslip/P60.
    • Zip - If selected, the resultant export will be compressed and placed into a ZIP file.
    • Summary CSV (Payslip only) - If selected, a manifest CSV file will be exported alongside the PDF payslips. This will contain the following information.

      Column Name

      Description and Notes


      Worker identifier.


      Either the Workday Reference ID for the Pay Group or the external Pay Group code. If you use the external Pay Group code, you configure the integration to map the external Pay Group code to a Workday Pay Group.


      End date of the Pay Period.


      Date of the payment.


      Net pay amount.


      Gross pay amount.


      Currency code for the pay amounts. Example: USD.

      Check_NumberNumber of the check

      0 for a main run payslip. 1 for a supplementary run payslip.


      Display date for the payslip. This date is displayed when viewing the payslip details in Workday.


      Filename of the payslip PDF archive file.

  • PDF Naming Convention - This panel allows a convention to be defined for the filename of the exported PDF payslips/P60s. If exporting at the employee level, the employee number must be included.

    • Example: 
      • Payroll: MONTHLY
      • Pay Period: 202004
      • Export Level: Employee
      • Naming Convention: Payroll-PayPeriod-Employee
      • Resultant PDF names: MONTHLY-202004-{{EmployeeNo}}.pdf where EmployeeNo is the Employee No of the employee in the payslip.


In order to begin an export, the export button must be clicked. This will bring up a modal dialog:

  • For Payslip exports, the dialog will contain:
    • Payroll - The payroll that is going to be exported.
    • Pay Period - The specified pay period for the payroll being exported. e.g. 202004
      • The current and previous period can be selected by specifying or 1 for the pay period respectively.
  • For P60 exports, the following will be required:
    • Tax Year - The tax year the P60s will be for. 

Once an export is started, a record will be inserted into the Export History grid. The external export screen does not need to be open from this point as the export will be picked up by a background process than runs every 60 seconds.


On a successful export. The payslips should /P60s will be able to be found in the SFTP Remote Directory specified in the configuration.
