Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
Ignore Blanks - This is checked by default. If unchecked, blank fields will no longer be ignored. E.G. a blank Address 1 field will update the value to be blank.
Ignore Employee Validation - This is an additional validation check for a file with a surname and NI number fields before importing files to the system using the custom importer.
Ignore Headers - Column headers are checked by default. Uncheck this to ignore. The correct number of columns is still required.
Locked - This currently stops a format from being deleted. This may be updated to fully lock the format.
New Starter Validation - This will only allow new employees to be inserted or updated. An error will be displayed if the import attempts to update a current employee.
Header rows - If your file has multiple headers, enter the number of headers in here.
Footer - The footer field enables controlled data import by specifying a stopping point of the import fileData preceding the first matching footer will be considered for import, and any data following the footer will be ignored. If a value is entered, the import process will halt before the first row that matches the footer text. Additionally, regex pattern is also supported if the footer text starts with a ^ or $.
Once saved, columns may be added to the format.
Click the required Page
Drag the Field(s) to the required position or double click to add to the end.
Click Save
For example, if you enter total in the footer field, the system will match the complete string total and import only the valid data prior to the footer.
Additionally, a regular expression pattern can also be provided in the footer field, starting with ^ (matches the beginning of a line) or $ (matches the end of a line). For example, ^total matches any string starting with total, such as total, total sum, total amount, while $pay matches any string ending with pay, such as pay, total pay, basic pay, etc.
Once saved, columns may be added to the format.
Click the required Page
Drag the Field(s) to the required position or double click to add to the end.
Click Save
Once saved, fields may be edited by clicking the pencil icon.
Employee Job
Employee Location
Employee NI
Employee Pay
Employee Pension
Employee Tax
Employee Starter Checklist
Employee P45
Employee SSP Schedule
Employee Work Schedule
Employee OA Scheme
For all pages apart from Employee Pay and Employee Pension, the date will be the date of joining if the employee is a starter, otherwise it'll be the current periods start date
For Employee Pay and Employee Pension, it'll always be the current period start date.
The importer will attempt to find the current record for the employee and only insert if any values are different. For any missing values on the file, existing values will be used from the current record. This allows files with the same data to come in every period without change. There are some specific rules per page:
Employee Job
If Contracted Hours, Hourly Rate, Daily Rate or Irregular Hours do not match the current record
Reference Only
The Reference Only page has one field, Reference Only, this can be used when import formats contain columns that won't be imported into InPay.
If a rate is not provided, the employee will need to have a rate in Employee Job or Pay Element Rates.
Employee not found when creating a starter
If an employee starter fails validation, subsequent pages will also fail validation due to the employee not yet existing. Fix the errors with the employee page first and attempt a What If report or Import again.
The import failed, I've fixed the issues with the file but when I click the green import button again it fails with the same error
Import the CSV file again using Select File and Import. Click the green import button on the new import.
Strange error messages
There may be an issue with the format. Click the Download Detail button to download a CSV showing all field settings. This is usually a Defined Column not having a Field Value or Imported Value Field set correctly.
Cannot Update Left Employees
To prevent accidental updating of employees who have left, the following error will show "Left employees cannot be updated through the importer.". To allow left employees to be updated, Reinstate Employees for Payments After Leaving may be checked on Company – General.