Support Contact details
Email: Support@in-time.co.uk support.in-time@rsmuk.com
Telephone: 01473 632820 (option 4)
In case of support escalation please contact Justin Stephens Rui Marques by email at Justinrui.Stephens@rsmukmarquesdesa@rsmuk.com or by phone at 01473 632 838820 option 4.
Submitting a Support Case
- The help desk, in consultation with the Licensee, will analyse and prioritise all calls using the priority definitions listed below:
- Priority 1 (High)
A critical fault that requires a fix to allow continued use of the Softwaresoftware. A Priority 1 fault will take precedence over other non-system-critical faults. The problem will be addressed and resolved as quickly as possible in accordance with the Resolution Target Time below.
- Priority 1 (High)
- Priority 1 (High). Fixed within 1 Business Daybusiness day
- Priority 2 (Medium). Fixed within 3 Business Daysbusiness days
- Priority 3 (Low). Fixed within 20 Business Daysbusiness days