The following fields are available for importing rate information. Rate fields are always imported at the same time as Placement fields. More information on the format of the file can be found in Placement Import Fields.
Name | Field | Equivalent InTIME Webservice Field | Description | Type | Format | Constraints | Mandatory |
Rate Name | RAT_NAME | | A name for the rate. This is displayed on the timesheet entry form | String(255) | Must be unique on this placement | Yes | |
Pay | RAT_PAY | | The pay rate | Decimal | Decimal value, 2 d.p. | Positive value or zero unless specific configuration set to allow negative values | Yes |
Secondary Pay | RAT_WKR_PAY | Rate.secondaryPay | Only applicable to agencies with the second tier option enabled. In this instance this field contains the pay rate that is shown to the contractor as opposed to the pay value used in any calculations, i.e. RAT_PAY | Decimal | Decimal value, 2 d.p | Only for placements where a secondary pay rate is required | |
Charge | RAT_CHARGE | Rate.charge | The charge rate | Decimal | Decimal value, 2 d.p. | Positive value or zero unless specific configuration set to allow negative values | Yes |
Pay Element Code | RAT_JOB_CODE | Rate.payElementCode | The code of a Pay Element. | String(30) | Must match an existing PaymentElement code setup in the InTIME Agency | If |
InPay integrated: Yes. If InTime Only |
: this can be defaulted in the |
InTime agency |
, however if rates require different pay elements this is mandatory. | |||||||
Pay Element Name | RAT_JOB_NAME | N/A | The name of a Pay Element. Not used if the pay element code has been specified | String(30) | Must refer to an existing pay element | No, |
can be defaulted | ||||||
Rate Type | RAT_PERIOD | Rate.period (see 'Constants' part of documentation - InTime Webservices) | Determines if the rate is an hourly rate or a fixed rate. | String(6) | "H" or "hourly" for hourly rates "F" or "fixed" for fixed rates |
This can be defaulted in the |
InTime agency |
, however if rates require different periods (fixed and hourly) then this is mandatory. | ||||||
Duration | RAT_PERIOD_DURATION | Rate.periodDuration | The number of minutes that corresponds to a unit of this rate. For example, an hourly rate would have a duration of 60. A day would have a number of minutes representing a typical day, e.g. 7.5 hours=450 or 8 hours=480. | Integer | The number of minutes in the specified period. |
This is defaulted to 60 |
, but if the rate |
duration needs to be different per rate this is mandatory. | ||||
Tick Box | RAT_TICKBOX | N/A - Use timesheetFields | For fixed rates this field sets if the timesheet entty form for this rate shows a tickbox (if this value is set to true) or a number entry field otherwise. | Boolean |
Y/true/1 OR N/false/0 | No, can be defaulted | ||||||
Time Pattern Code | RAT_TP_CODE | Rate.timePattern | The code of a time pattern. Rarely used and only applies to clients with the time patterns and filters module. | String(10) | Must match an existing TimePattern code setup in the InTIME Agency. | No, this is defaulted. However, if TimePatterns Module is enabled and rates require different TimePattern codes this is mandatory. | |
Front End Reference | RAT_FRONTEND_REF | Rate.frontendRef | A reference which can be applied to the rate. Rarely used | String(36) | No | ||
Back End Reference | RAT_BACKEND_REF | Rate.backendRef | A second reference which can be applied to the rate. Rarely used | String(36) | No | ||
Priority Order | RAT_PRIORITY_ORDER | Rate.priorityOrder | Used to determine the order of the rates on the placement screen and the timesheet entry screen | Integer | Positive Integer | No | |
Selectable By Contractors | RAT_SELECTABLE_BY_WORKERS | Rate.selectableByWorkers | Determines if the contractor can select this rate when entering time. If this is not selected then only Consultants and Administrators can select this rate for timesheet entry | Boolean | Y/true/1 OR N/false/0 |
No - Default True (True, means can be selected by workers) | |||||||
Rate Effective From Date | RAT_EFFECTIVE_FROM | Rate.effectiveFrom | Date which this Rate come into effect | Date | yyyy-MM-dd | No - No date always effective | |
Post AWR | RAT_POST_AWR | Rate.awr | ONLY AVAILABLE IF HAVE INTIME AWR MODULE ENABLED. Determines if the rate is only for post AWR applicable | Boolean | Y/true/1 OR N/false/0 | No - Default False (True, means can only be used post the AWR applicable) | |
Timesheet Fields | RAT_TIMEFIELD | Rate.timesheetFields (see 'Constants' part of documentation - InTime Webservices) | String(110) | th = Time & Hours (Can only be set if RAT_PERIOD is H/Hourly) h = Hours Only (Can only be set if RAT_PERIOD is H/Hourly) f = Decimal (Can only be set if RAT_PERIOD is F/Fixed) tb = TickBox (Can only be set if RAT_PERIOD is F/Fixed) | No - Defaults to th for RAT_PERIOD Hourly and f for Fixed. |
The image below shows how these fields are mapped to the rates in RSM InTime.