When you arrange for a worker contractor to undertake a job, or fulfil a particular role for a client, you are creating what is known as a placement.
A placement defines:
- Who is doing the work.
- Which client the work is being carried out for.
- Which consultant is responsible for the work.
- Who, within the client organisation, is managing the workercontractor.
- The rates of pay and charge.
- The types of expense that can be claimed.
- The approval route to be followed for timesheets and expenses.
In RSM InTime, therefore, a placement associates the following entities with each other:
Workers/Contractors Welcome to InTime Parties/Entities
A summary of each placement can be viewed within RSM InTime. An example of this is shown below.
The following information is shown:
- Information about who is involved in the placement
- Recent timesheets
- Recent client invoices and client credit notes
- Recent self-bill invoices and self-bill credit notes