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As an agency you have the option to either apply MFA to all users, or groups of users. Alternatively, you can allow individual users to apply MFA themselves, within their password settings. If you have SMS messages sent from InTime set up for your agency, then the user will able to select SMS to provide them with a one-time code to enter. Alternatively, they can use an authenticator application. 

If you apply MFA as a mandatory setting, and do not have SMS set up against the agency, please make sure that all users have a mobile application authenticator ready for when they next login. Go to multi-factor authentication guide for users for further information.

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How do users log in for the first time?:If using an authenticator; if using SMS 
What happens if a user has changed/lost their device?

How do administrators with switch agency log in?

What is MFA? 
What is MFA?
What is MFA?


Mobile application authenticator: this will generate a 6-digit passcode. You can download authenticator applications via app stores, the most common ones are google authenticator and microsoft authenticator. When you go into your app, you will be given a one-time password (which is time sensitive) to enter on the RSM InTime login screen. Please note: if you apply QR Code as the authentication method, please make sure that you have a mobile application authenticator ready for when you next login. 

SMS: you can receive a one-time 6-digit password (which is time sensitive) by text message to enter on the RSM InTime login screen. Please note: the SMS option can only be selected if you have SMS messages set up as an agency. 


As an administrator you can apply MFA to groups of users. Go to the system configuration cog in the top right hand corner, and within the system section, click security settings

Allowing SMS -You you may have SMS settings applied, but only wish to use this function for reminders and not allow users to retrieve an authentication code. If you do want SMS as an available option, you must tick enable multi factor authentication over SMS. If you do not tick this option, even with SMS settings enable, it the option will not appear for a user to choose.

Suggest multi-factor authentication for user types -  This this will prompt the user the first time they log in, to select an option. Please note: They this is only a prompt, the user can select to not use MFA if they wish. Once they have selected noIf they select none - do not secure my account using MFA, they will not be asked again. 

Require multi-factor authentication for user types - This this means when the user next logs in they must select a an authentication type, they will not get see the option of none - do not secure my account using MFA. They will only get the QR code or SMS (if available) to options.  

Require single sign on authentication for user types - This this allows you to force users to only use single sign on. These users will not have an option to log in to RSM InTime with a username and password. If unticked users will be able to use both methods to log into InTimein. For example: All internal users at your agency log in to RSM InTime with single sign on via your intranet page. If you tick require single sign on, they will not be able to log in to InTime outside of your single sign on linkintegration. If you leave the option unticked, users will be able to log in via your intranet using single sign on, and by using the RSM InTime URL outside of your intranet and log in with a username and password. 

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click save. 

If you do not tick any option below, individual users can apply MFA themselves go to multi-factor authentication guide for users for details.

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How do users log in for the first time?
How do users login for the first time?
How do users login for the first time?

Users will log into RSM InTime with their username and password as normal. They will then be required to select an authentication method. Go to multi-factor authentication guide for users, for a full user guide.

The dropdown will show:

None - do not secure my account using multi-factor authentication - This this will only be available if you have ticked Suggest suggest multi-factor authentication for user types, giving them the option to choose. 

QR code - Tto be used with a mobile authenticator application.

SMS text message - T this will only be available if SMS messages has set up for the agency.

If using an authenticator 
If using an authenticator
If using an authenticator

If the user selected QR code, the barcode will appear. Using the authenticator, they will need to scan the barcode.

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The authenticator app will then produce a one-time 6-digit verification code, they will enter the code in the box provided and click check, a green success box will appear in the top right - hand corner, click continue.

They will be logged into RSM InTime. 

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If using SMS 
If using SMS 
If using SMS 

If the user selected SMS, a box will appear to enter their mobile number. Once entered, they will click send and receive a one-time 6-digit verification code, they will enter the code in the box provided and click check, a green success box will appear in the top right - hand corner, click continue. They will be logged into RSM InTime.

Please note: the user must make sure their mobile number is correct before clicking send. If they have entered the wrong mobile number, they will need to ask the agency to reset their passwords and start the process again.

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What happens if a user has changed/lost their device?
What happens if a user has changed/lost their device?
What happens if a user has changed/lost their device?


Within profiles find the user, tick the select box and then click reset and send passwords. This will reset all passwords and disable MFA. The user will then be required to use a temporary password to initially login, set up a new password, and then go through the initial MFA steps again. 

Please note: If a user has forgotten their password, and asks 

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How do administrators with switch agency log in? 
How do administrators with switch agency log in?
How do administrators with switch agency log in?

If you have multi tenancy, you will only use MFA (if applicable) when logging in directly to an agency. Once you are in an agency, and use the switch agency function MFA will not apply.

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