RSM InTime/InPay with front end integration - If you have front end integration in place, IR35 workers will be imported as per your current Limited Company contractor import mappings. If you intend to add a flag to your front end system to indicate whether a worker is ‘off-payroll’ please contact the Support team to discuss import changes required.
If you use RSM InTime with InPay integration, you will need to need to set up an IR35 payroll to process off-payroll workers and process timesheets slightly differently through InTime.
6. Once complete the new payroll will poll overnight into RSM InTime so it is available to select under the payrolls dropdown against worker profiles.
Create the worker profile in RSM InTime as normal under Profiles > Workers. Once the new worker profile is complete, please follow the below steps to enable IR35:
Create the placement profile in RSM InTime as normal under Profiles > Placements. Once the new placement profile is complete, go to Advanced Tab and tick the ‘Deduct PAYE and NIC from Ltd Company on this placement’ check box.
Please note: If enabling IR35 against a worker which already exists within RSM InTime with an active placement, you will need to create a new placement profile for IR35 as use this going forward.