Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Adoption - Periods of absence due to the adoption of a child that may be eligible for Statutory Adoption Pay
  2. Paternity (adoption) - Periods of absence to support a partner who has adopted a child that may be eligible for Statutory Paternity Pay (adoption).
  3. Shared Parental Leave (adoption) - Shared period of absence for the adoption of a child.
  4. Maternity - Periods of absence due to pregnancy that may be eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay.
  5. Paternity (birth) - Periods of absence to support a partner who has given birth that may be eligible for Statutory Paternity Pay (birth).
  6. Shared  Parental Leave(birth) - Shared period of absence due to the birth of a child.
  7. Parental Bereavement Leave - Period of absence to deal with the death of a child, if they die under the age of 18 or are stillborn.
  8. Paid Leave - Paid periods of absence due to Annual Holiday.
  9. Sickness - Periods of absence due to sickness that may be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay.
  10. Unpaid Leave - Unpaid periods of absence due to Suspension, Sabbatical, etc.




Paternity (Adoption)80609317


Shared Parental Leave (Adoption)


Paternity (Birth)

Shared Parental Leave (Birth)

Parental Bereavement Leave

Paid Leave


Unpaid Leave80609317








The current entries can be viewed in a grid at the bottom of the page. These can be selected for viewing or amendment by clicking on the grid. New entries can be made directly after selecting an employee or by pressing the 'New' button.


  • Type Of Absence - When entering a new absence select the type from this list. When amending an existing absence record this list is locked to prevent the absence type from being changed. If you entered an absence with the wrong type you will have to delete the record and enter a new one. This allows InPay Payroll to back out any payments made incorrectly and apply the correct ones. If the absence you delete is from a previous pay period, an adjustment will be made in the current period.
  • No Of Days - This box is only used to enter leave when the calculated number of days needs to be adjusted. For other absences No Of Days shows the days in the period entered to give you a cross check on the length of the period entered.
  • Start Date - All absence types require a Start Date.
  • End Date - The End Date may be left blank. If it is blank, InPay Payroll will process the absence as though it finishes at the end of the pay period being calculated. When the next pay period is calculated, InPay Payroll will process the absence to the end of the new pay period, and pay the difference to the employee. When an End Date is subsequently entered, InPay Payroll will recalculate the absence payments and adjust the employee's pay accordingly. This field will ba unavailable for Paternity cases and instead will be replaced by selecting the option of 1 or 2 weeks.

Note: The system will only calculate salary when Starting and Ending Absence using the 260 calculation - anything different to this will need to be manually calculated and overridden on the employee record.

Stop Payment Details

  • Stop Payment From Date - Enter the date you want payments to stop for this absence if this is earlier than the End Date. You must select a Stop Payment Reason or enter a Stop Payment Note to explain why you stopped payment. InPay Payroll will calculate the normal end dates for Statutory and Occupational absence payments, so you should only enter a date in this box if you want to stop payments early.
  • Stop Payment Reason - Select one of the standard reasons for why the payment was stopped. This will appear on any letter to the employee explaining why payment was stopped.
  • Stop All Payment - This box should be selected (ticked) only if you want to stop payment for the whole period. Any payment already paid will be taken back. Again you must select a Stop Payment Reason or enter a Stop Payment Note to explain why you stopped payment.
  • Stop Payment Note - Enter a note for why the payment was stopped. Again this will appear on any letter to the employee explaining why payment was stopped.
