Over the coming weeks we will be deploying our RSM InTime Release v22.04. If you are a user of RSM InTime you will see the blue banner message appear on your homepage once the release is available to you.
All previous release notes can be found here: RSM InTime Release Notes
Default Mapping is as follows:
RSM InTime Placement | InPay Location |
Start Date | Start Date |
Sales Division | Division |
Sales Department | Department |
Sales Location | Location |
N/A | Cost Centre splits |
N/A | Department Splits |
Using the Placement's Financial Tab, and setting the appropriate values within the fields below, this data will be transferred to InPay when you export a timesheet or expense for that placement.
You will then be able to see these within InPay by going to Employees - Location details, and search for that worker. You will see that the Start Date, Location, Division and Department will be populated.
If you wish to use a customisable script, this will give you the ability to set split values for Departments and Cost centres as well. The Support Team will assist with this.
Improvement Descriptions:
All Perm Placements now default to "Excluded from Missing Timesheet Report". AnchorEXCLUDEMTR EXCLUDEMTR