The integration uses Web Services to synchronise data between the two systems. This must be initially enabled by RSM support. When your system is integrated with InPay information is passed from one system to the other whenever a change occurs to keep the other system in sync. This communication is 2-way.
Occasionally there can be a problem with transferring the data from one system to the other. This could happen if an invalid sort code is entered into InTime for example. When issues ocurr InTime creates a notification for specified users to prompt them to resolve the issue.
In order to pay the workers, approved timesheets and expenses are Exported from InTime to InPay using the export screen. These will appear for payment in the current payroll period and can be seen on the employees payslip.
After the payroll has been processed and committed the payslip information can be synchronised back to InTime. This will update the associated Pension and NI information which is then included in the margin report.
Data Synchronisation
Workers that have PAYE worker type or are limited but set to Pay Through InPay in InTime are sent to InPay. Other workers are not synchronised as they do not need to be paid through PAYE. You can identify if a worker has been synchronised to InPay as they will have an inpayID number on the worker details page.
You can also optionally have employees that are created in InPay sync through to InTime - contact support to enabled this option.
When a worker is created in InTime the following fields are mandatory:
- the worker Reference is transferred to InPay as the Worker Ref Code this becomes the InPay employee number.The InTime payment frequency
- Title, First name and Last name
- Email address
- Gender
- NI Table Letter
- National Insurance Number
- Date of Birth
- Date of Joining
- Payment frequency, this determines the InPay payroll.
- Payment Method, if BACS is selected Bank Account Name, Bank Account Number and Sort Code are also required.
Apart from the above the following attributes are always also synchronised between the two systems
- Title
- Firstname
- LastnameAddress
- Phone numbers
- Address
- National Insurance Number
- Bank Account (Note that you can turn off the ability for people to update bank account details during certain periods if required)
- Sort code
- Payslip setting
- Week 1/Month 1 setting
- Payroll Tax Code
Once a worker is synchronised the following attributes will be read-only in InTime and can only be modified from within InPay. The updated values will be reflected in InTime though.
- National Insurance Number
- Date of Joining
- Payment frequency
- PAYE Tax Code
- NI Table LetterStarter Statement Options
Timesheets /Expenses
Holiday Claims