Answer - Unfortunately we cannot delete managers. The suggested process is:-
- Ensure the manager is not connecting to any placements by finding the placement on the Profiles->Placement using the placement filters, ensuring the "Status (Date filters will overide this)" field to ALL. If there are any returned you should not continue with this process.
- Change the Ref Code, firstname, lastname and any other fields you wish that will help you to not confusing this record with any other manager records.
- Click on the record you want to remove, click the roles tab and untick the "User is allowed to log in" this will disable the account and mean the worker cannot logged in using the incorrect record.
InTime query - Can i I delete a Worker?
Answer - Unfortunately we cannot delete workers. The suggested process is:-
- Ensure the worker is not connecting to any placements by finding the placement on the Profiles->Placement using the placement filters, ensuring the "Status (Date filters will overide this)" field to ALL. If there are some returned you should not continue with this process.
- Change the Ref Code, firstname, lastname and any other fields you wish that will help you to not confusing this record with any other worker records.
- Click on the record you want to remove, click the roles tab and untick the "User is allowed to log in" this will disable the account and mean the worker cannot logged in using the incorrect record.
Apart from the obvious method of payment by cheque, there are other options which can be offered to Baker Tilly RSM clients.
A copy will be kept on file in the BakerTilly RSM local office
A further copy, showing the client account number, will be sent to Credit Control in Crawley to enable them to correctly identify the receipts as they are received.