- NP – 1827 – AU003 - CP - Upcoming and Overdue Tasks
- NP – 1838 – AU014 - CP - Service End Date/Tasks
- NP – 1921 – Tasks that have Camunda tasks must be completed in order
- NP – 1927 – CP - Further improvements to the Upcoming Tasks Page
- NP – 1835 – AU011 - CP - Supp Run Task Creation
- NP – 1911 – AU027 - CP - Configure a user as reviewer
- NP – 1958 – CP - Remove Employment Update section of the client portal
NP – 1827 – AU003 - CP - Upcoming and Overdue Tasks
New Checkbox named ‘Supplementary Run Required’ is added to the bottom of the payroll task dashboard screen against each service. User can save the state selected once clicked. Once this is clicked, tasks that are tagged with 'supplementary runs' will generate at the bottom of the task dashboard.
NP – 1911 – AU027 - CP - Configure a user as reviewer
Peer review user will have below three different dashboard views on Utilities>Payroll Task Dashboard
-Show Task checkbox shows peer review tasks of all services where user is not reviewer
-Peer Review Not Complete checkbox shows peer review tasks of all services which are not in completed status and where the user is not reviewer
-My Reviews checkbox shows peer review tasks of all the services where user is a reviewer
NP – 1958 – CP - Remove Employment Update section of the client portal
Employment Updates section is removed from HR toolkit