The fields in this section of the screen must be filled in before the employee can be saved to the system.
- Employee Number: Allows entry of an employee number for the employee. This field will be disabled if Automatic Employee number generation has been selected.
- Payroll: The payroll that the employee belongs to. The payroll must have been set up at Company level before it will appear for selection in this field. The payroll must also have it's current pay period set in the Payroll Processing screen before an employee can be added, otherwise an error will be raised upon save.
- Workgroup: The workgroup that the employee belongs to. The workgroup must have been set up at Company level before it will appear for selection in this field. This is mandatory and is used in the calculation of permanent payments.
- Service Start Date: Allows entry of the date the employee started. This may be different to the date of joining in cases such as internal transfers within a company. If not specified it will default to the date of joining.
- Method Of Payment: This is a highly important field as it indicates whether the employee will be picked up when making BACS payments from the system.
- Hours Worked: It is mandatory to supply the category of hours worked for an employee. This will be included in the FPS
- Contracted Hours. Used to calculate worker hourly rate. If not entered will the default for the workgroup will be used
- Worker Pay Type. Can be Salaried, Graded or Hourly. This field will be used in determining the hourly rate calculation. If not entered the default set against the company will be used
- Irregular Payments: If the employee is not paid regularly each period it is mandatory to select this tick box. This information will then be fed through to the FPS.
This section allows you to enter information about a student loan that the employee being set up has, where appropriate this will create a student loan against the worker in InPay.
Postgraduate Loan Plan
This section allows you to enter information about a postgraduate loan that the employee being set up has, where appropriate this will create a postgraduate loan against the worker in InPay.
Bank Details
This section will appear if Bank Details has been checked in the Employee Starter Screen Format section of the Company General screen. The fields in this section allow the user to specify bank account information for the employee being set up, which will be used by the system if the employee is paid by BACs. The sort code will be validated against the list of sort codes held within InPay. If the sort code does not exist the user will have the option of adding the details if they are certain the code is valid.