- AWE - This Box shows the average weekly earnings of the employee based on the statutory calculation rules. This figure will only show once the record has been saved and the payroll engine has recalculated the employee's pay.
- AWE Override - If the company has been migrated from a prior Payroll System, it may be necessary to override the average weekly earnings, as the employee will not have their full pay history on the system. If the option is ticked the AWE figure will be picked up from this field rather than calculated by the engine, allowing statutory pay which would not otherwise be paid.
- Offset - This box allows the statutory payment to be offset by an identical negative payment and is used in scenarios where the company wishes to continue to pay the employee as normal. Where a payment is to be only partially offset, an adjustment can be made in the Statutory Override screen.
Occupational Absence - only shows when there is an occupational adoption scheme set up
- Do not pay Occupational Absence - check this when you don't want occupational pay to be calculated for the record.
Paternity (Adoption)
Paternity Details
- AWE - Same as Adoption
- AWE Override - Same as Adoption
- Offset - Same as Adoption
Occupational Absence - only shows when there is an occupational paternity (a) scheme set up
- Do not pay Occupational Absence - check this when you don't want occupational pay to be calculated for the record.
Shared Parental Leave (Adoption)
- AWE - Same as Adoption
- AWE Override - Same as Adoption
- Offset - Same as Adoption
Occupational Absence - only shows when there is an occupational shared paternity (a) scheme set up
- Do not pay Occupational Absence - check this when you don't want occupational pay to be calculated for the record.
Birth Details
- Baby Due Date - Enter the date the baby is due. This is used to calculate the Expected Week of Childbirth (EWC Date) and the Qualifying Week (QW Date). This is a mandatory entry.
- Baby Born Date - This is the date the baby was born. It is only used for reporting purposes at this time.
- EWC Date - This date is the Sunday at the beginning of the Expected Week of Childbirth. This date is calculated by InPay Payroll and shown here for your reference. It is readonly.
- QW Date - This date is the Sunday at the beginning of the Qualifying Week. This date is calculated by InPay Payroll and shown here for your reference. It is readonly.
- Pregnancy Related Illness Start - This is the date the employee went off sick due to pregnancy. It is only used for reporting purposes at this time.
- Baby Stillborn - This indicated that the employee had a stillbirth. It is only used for reporting purposes at this time.
- AWE - Same as Adoption
- AWE Override - Same as Adoption
- Offset - Same as Adoption
Occupational Absence - only shows when there is an occupational maternity scheme set up
- Do not pay Occupational Absence - check this when you don't want occupational pay to be calculated for the record.
Paternity (Birth)
Paternity Details
- AWE - Same as Adoption
- AWE Override - Same as Adoption
- Offset - Same as Adoption
Occupational Absence - only shows when there is an occupational paternity (b) scheme set up
- Do not pay Occupational Absence - check this when you don't want occupational pay to be calculated for the record.
Shared Parental Leave (Birth)
- AWE - Same as Adoption
- AWE Override - Same as Adoption
- Offset - Same as Adoption
Occupational Absence - only shows when there is an occupational shared paternity (b) scheme set up
- Do not pay Occupational Absence - check this when you don't want occupational pay to be calculated for the record.
Paid Leave
This is when an employee is on paid leave from their employment. This could be paid leave like annual holiday or compassionate leave. Please note that once the record has been applied (created in a period that has been committed), it cannot be updated.