- Sickness Reason - Select the reason the employee was off sick. This is only used for reporting purposes.
The following fields will only show if the employee is on an OSP scheme.
- Already Paid - This is to be used for migration purposes. Use this when adding past sickness taken by an employee to enable the system to calculate how many entitlement days have been taken without paying anything on the payslip.
- Days Not Paid OSP - This field is read only. Once the record has been saved this will display the number of days taken off sick that do not qualify to be paid OSP.
- OSP Days Paid - This field is read only. Once the record has been saved this will display the number of days taken off sick that have been paid OSP.
AWE Details
- AWE - Same as Adoption
- AWE Override - Same as Adoption
- Offset - Same as Adoption
- SSP1L PIW End Date - If a new employee has an SSP1L letter from a previous employment the end date of their last PIW with their previous employer will be on it. Enter it in this box. InPay Payroll will include this date in calculating SSP linking.SSP1L No Of Weeks must also be entered.
- SSP1L No Of Weeks - Enter to number of weeks SSP the employee had in their last employment from the SSP1L letter, if the employee has one.SSP1L PIW End Date must also be entered.
- Linking Letter PIW Start Date - If an employee has recently had benefits from the DWP they may have been given a linking letter. If they have, enter the linking date here. InPay Payroll will include this date when calculating the employee's eligibility to SSP.
- SSP1L Requested - If an employee leaves they may request an SSP1L letter from you. Select (tick) this option if they have done so.
OSP Details This will only show if the employee is on an OSP scheme.
- Days Paid - Shows the number of days paid in each band for this sickness record.
- Balance - Shows the employees days remaining at each band.
Unpaid Leave
This is when an employee is on unpaid leave from their employment for reasons other than above. It could be unpaid leave like suspension or sabbatical.