The screen is used to create timesheets based on pre-defined formats, pre-fill with employees, and pay timesheets.
Creating a New Timesheet Input/Control
Editing a Timesheet Input/Control
Exporting a Timesheet Input/Control
Importing a Timesheet Input/Control
Paying a Timesheet Input/Control
Rolling Back a Timesheet Input/Control
Archiving a Timesheet Input/Control
Creating a New Timesheet
To create a new timesheet, press the New button. This will clear out any fields and prepare the system to save the new timesheet.
Once your choice is made, press save. The new timesheet should appear at the bottom of the timesheet list below. The timesheet is now ready for editing.
Editing a Timesheet
To edit a timesheet, click on the pencil icon in the row containing the timesheet. This will open the timesheet for editing in a new window. The grid editor is very much like excel in its usage. Data entry is performed directly in cells on the grid, and moving between the cells is achieved by using the TAB or Enter keys. Users are advised to save their timesheets regularly. The employee number and their forename and surname are readonly. There is an option to lock a number of columns to make who the data is for more obvious if the timesheet is very wide.
Exporting a Timesheet
A populated timesheet can be exported by clicking the purple downward arrow under the Action column on the timsheet list. At present the data can only be exported into excel format. However users should be aware that the format is a special excel xml format named XML Spreadsheet.
When the export is opened the below message may appear, the user should click ok to continue. When you later save the file you should find that the format that the file defaults to is XML Spreadsheet 2003. If not you should select this format.
Importing a Timesheet
Once a populated timesheet has been exported the values in the timesheet can be modified as required and saved as discussed above. The user can then click the purple arrow on the active row under the Action column to import and update the timesheet. Clicking the button will bring up the screen below. The user can then select the file to import and click the import button. If there are any errors these can be viewed by clicking the error button.
Any unpaid timesheet can be imported into. If the employee exists already in the timesheet they will be updated and if not they will be added.
Paying a Timesheet
Paying a timesheet commits it to the database and the employee's payslip in the current period. Select the edited timehseet from the timesheet list and select the 'Pay Timesheet' checkbox. Press save. There will be a short pause, then the timesheet list will change to show the timesheet as PAID. Note: It is not possible to edit a timesheet once it is paid.
Rolling Back a Timesheet
If the timesheet has been paid in the current period there is the option to Rollback, selecting the row in the timesheet list and clicking the Rollback button will remove the payments from the current payslip and allow the user to edit the timesheet. If the current period is not the same as when the timesheet was paid then the user will receive an error message that the process is not allowed.
Archiving a Timesheet
Archiving a timesheet removes the data from the timesheet history so clearing the database and improving performance. It is only required if you use timesheets heavily. Select the edited timehseet from the timesheet list and select the 'Archive Timesheet' checkbox. Press save.