Change to support Data Retention (PPP-341) - On 1st May 2021, we changed our data retention agreement. There is a now a section at the bottom of the client section in Admin → Clients → Edit that allows the addition of data termination entries. This section is only available to RSM users. Each entry in the data termination refers to the termination of a specific service of a client (limited to Payroll, People Manager and InTime). Only 1 for each service can be added.
Section Mandatory? Purpose/Explanation Service Name YES The type of service that has been terminated Service End Date YES The date that the service was terminated Retention Purchased Whether the client has chosen to purchase our data retention service Retention End Date (If above chosen) When the purchased data retention service ends Contractual Delete Date The date that the data pertaining to this clients' service will be deleted Data Return Date The date that the data for this service was returned to the client Data Deletion Date The date that all the data relating to this service was deleted (physical paper documents, emails, network drives, etc.) Deleted By The person that confirmed that all the data related to this service was deleted Allow RSM user to approve BACS file (PPP-345) - Allows RSM users to approve a BACS file on behalf of a client. A copy of an email will need to be uploaded in order to approve. Only .msg files are accepted (saved from outlook) and uploaded emails can be downloaded from the payment files' reason section.
Add zip download to folders in the client portal (PPP-347) - The Document Centre now offers the option of downloading all the files in a folder in a zip file. There is also the ability to select specific files to be downloaded via checkboxes next to the individual files. The option to download individual files like previously still exists.