Payroll Dashboard - Outstanding Task Filter (PPP-264) - Stop including tasks marked as 'n/a' as outstanding tasks.
Allow an Approved File to be rejected by an Admin (PPP-283) - Allow Admins and Payroll Admins to reject a record that is in the Approved status.
Auto Approve Flag (PPP-284) - A new flag against services that automatically sets a payment approval file to Approved. The new flag is visible when Auto BACS With Approval is selected as the BACS type.
Allow more than one service to have HMRC flag if under different InPay company (PPP-287) - Allow more than one service under a client to have the HMRC Payroll flag ticked where they are linked to different InPay companies.
Task Dashboard - Ensure that tasks are updated without a page refresh. (PPP-288)