Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal

Self-service for Ltd Company Providers, 3rd Party Payroll providers and 2nd Tier Supplying Agencies

The RSM InTime supplier portal offers:  

  • Viewing consolidated advice notes
  • Uploading of their supplier invoice against the advice note
  • Download of CSV provider schedules
  • Viewing /searching self-bill invoices and remittance
  • Viewing contractor and placements details

Downloading Provider Schedule

When the Supplier User navigates to the List Advice Notes screen or the List Invoice screen (for Self Billing) from the Pay menu, you will be able to Search for the Advice Notes and Self Bill Invoices respectively that have been raised. From the results of you search, you will see the following button "Download Schedule".

Once this button has been clicked you will be presented with the Provider Schedule for the Advice Notes/Invoices that are ticked in your returned results.

Doing this process as the Supplier User will only provide them invoices that are linked to the Provider that they are connected to.

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