Maintaining Placements Frequently Asked Questions

Maintaining Placements Frequently Asked Questions

I created a duplicate placement in error.  How can I make this inactive?
You can enter the placement End Date for the day before the Start Date.

I can see a tab called On-Cost; what does this mean?
The On-Cost tab will only be visible for clients who have purchased the Advanced Invoicing Module. See On-Costs page for more details.


How can I pay a worker for a shift but not invoice the client?
There are two ways in which this can be done. You can either create a rate where the pay is the required pay value and the charge rate is zero, or you can create the rate on a pay element that is marked as payable but not chargeable.

How can I bill a client for a shift but not pay the worker?
There are two options: You can create a rate where the pay rate is zero and the charge rate is the required value; or you can create the rate on a pay element which is chargeable but not payable.
Note: In these instances, you would normally mark the rate as "not selectable by worker". If you do not do this, then workers will be able to view the rate on their timesheets.

My worker has worked ten hours, but I can only bill my client for eight hours. How can I do this?
In this instance you would need to split the shift into two. You would put eight hours on the normal rate and then you would put two hours on a pay-only rate, as described in the question "How can I pay a worker for a shift but not invoice the client?".

My worker only worked six hours, but my contract says I can bill eight hours. How can I bill the extra hours?
To accomplish this, you should enter the six hours as usual. Then create a separate shift for the additional hours, as described in the question "How can I bill a client for a shift but not pay the worker?".


How do I confirm that I have read, and agree to, a document?

1. Go to the Placement Search and click on the down arrow next to edit then click Documents. The Current Documents tab is displayed.

2. Select the documents that you want to accept.


3. Click Accept. The status of the document will be updated to 'Accepted'.

How do I upload a new contract document for a placement?

1. On the Contract Documents screen, click Add Document:

2. The Upload a new document to this Placement screen is displayed:


3. Complete the fields as described in How do I upload documents on the Client, Placement, Worker and Supplier? and click Add Document.

4. The document will be added to the placement.

How do I upload a new version of a contract document?

  1. On the Current Documents tab, click the link to the relevant document in the Reference column.
  2. The Contract Document Details screen is displayed.
  3. Go to the Upload a New Version tab, enter the version number of the new document, select the document's status, and then browse to and upload the document:

How do I assign a document from the supplier or client pools to the placement

1. On the Contract Documents screen, select either the Assign From Supplier Pool tab or the Assign From Client Pool tab.

2. The list of contract documents applicable to the selected entity is displayed.

3. In the Add column, click Assign.

4. The Assign Pool Document screen is displayed, with the Document Info tab.

5. You cannot change the reference, name or version number of the document. However, you can amend the other details as required (for example, the intended recipient, due date and so on).

6. Click Assign Document to assign this document to the intended recipient.

Please click on the links below to view the details for each tab

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