You can search for timesheets that have not been submitted by workers during the course of a placement.
A timesheet is deemed to be 'missing' if it has not been submitted and approved at the end of the period. For example, if a worker is on a placement from the 1st January to the 31st May, and the timesheets are set as monthly, then if a worker has not submitted an April timesheet by the 1st May, it will be defined as missing.
Typically, you might want to search for missing timesheets in order to be able to invoice clients for a contractor's work. Until an invoice has been approved, you cannot invoice the client.
Tip: You can also search for missing timesheets using margin reporting, by searching on timesheets with a status of 'missing'.
#zzz Is it supposed to show just missing timesheets? or does it show them all, with a Create link next to the ones that haven't been submitted?