You can create a client or edit an existing client from within RSM InTime. If you have a front-office system, you should not normally edit client details within RSM InTime as these will be overwritten with updates from your front-office system. The exception to this is that any attributes that are not included in your integration specification can be safely updated directly in RSM InTime.
How do I see my list of clients?
- From the menu bar, click Profiles > Clients.
- The list of clients is displayed on the Client Companies screen.
Administrators - can see all clients providing they have the read-client or read-all client role.
Consultants - with the read-all client role can see all clients. If a consultant has the read client role only then they can only see clients where they are the consultant for one or more of their placements.
Who can add a new client?
Administrators and Consultants with the create-client role can create new clients.
Who can modify a new client?
Administrators with the write-all client role.
Consultants with the write-all client role can modify any existing client. Consultants with the write client role can modify any client where the consultant has a placement for that client.
How do I add a new client?
- From the menu bar, click Profiles > Clients.
- Click Create in the top right of the screen.
- The Edit Client screen opens. There are 5 tabs - Main, Invoicing, Advanced, On-Cost and History.
- Tip: Hover over the blue question marks against each field if you need clarification of what that field requires. Most are self-explanatory. Fields marked with * are mandatory.
- Main
- Company Details
- Company Name
- Company Number
- Company Sales Tax Number - for clients with an EU address, RSM InTime can validate whether the sales tax number is the correct format. Please ask Support to enable this.
- VAT Code
- This will show as the default VAT rate but you can select any VAT code which has been configured within your system from the dropdown. For more information on setting up tax codes, see Tax Rates.
- Default Currency
- Select the default currency for that client. In order for additional currencies (i.e. currencies beyond your local currency) to appear in this list, you need to specify exchange rates. For more information, see Exchange Rates.
- References
- Primary
- Accounts
- Debtor Number
- Main Address
- Default Values - These values will be automatically set against placements created for the client. They can however be overwritten on the placement.
- Default Timesheet Duration
- Default Expense Template
- Default Timesheet Approval Route
- Default Chargeable Expense Approval Route
- Default Non Chargeable Expense Approval Route
- You can enter AWR information specific to this client here
- Invoicing
- Invoicing Address
- Enter the Invoicing Address details that will appear on invoices & credit notes to that client. To invoice a client, you must enter invoice details for that client. You can use the
option to copy the company details entered on the Main tab.
- Invoicing Details
- Enter the Invoicing Details
- Invoice Period
- Select from the drop down
- Invoice Delivery Method
- Post. The invoice will automatically be populated with the postal address set as the invoicing address.
- Email. The invoice will automatically be primed to be sent to the email address that you have entered for the client.
- Payment Terms
- Days
- Type
- Template
- By default this is set to Default Charge Terms. You can create other payment and charge term templates in RSM InTime, in order to explain your terms and payment details to clients. Once created, they will be available for selection. For more information, see Charge & Payment Terms.
- Additional Text To Include on Invoice
- Enter any payment or charge terms that are specific to this client, i.e. those that are not covered in the generic Terms Template. Please note there is a maximum of 255 characters.
- Invoices Require Purchase Order Numbers
- Accounting Details
- Nominal Code
- Advanced
Allocation of Items To Invoices (Consolidation)
Monthly Invoicing
Negative Value Timesheets and Expenses (Advanced)
- Filters
Layout of Items On Invoice
Purchase Order Options
Withholding Tax
- History
- This will detail the history of changes to the Client details either by user or system updates.
- When you have entered all the required details, click Save
How do I edit a client's details?
- From the menu bar, click Profiles > Clients.
- Using the Search field, begin entering the Client's name or Ref until it is shown in the search results table.
- Click on
to open the Edit Client screen where you can update the Clients details. - Click on
when you have finished.
How do I view or add managers for this client?
Each client requires a client manager. Managers have a 1-to-1 relationship with client profiles, if a manager needs access to multiple Clients you would need to create a manager profile per Client.
- From the menu bar, click Profiles > Clients.
- To View, Edit and Add Managers click on the drop down next to the blue Edit button. Select the View Managers option. The Managers screen opens.
- Click on
to open the Edit Manager screen where you can update the Managers details.
- Click on Create to add a Manager.
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