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To edit a service click on the service name in the admin list. The details and settings that you can edit are shown below.  To save any changes click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the page. To return to the admin list, either click on the BACK button or click on the Services link in the title bar.


Service Name - this should be a descriptive name for the service and will usually include the client's name. 

Client - the client that this service belongs to. The list will show all the clients that are managed by your office.

Service Type - the type of service being provided. Select from Payroll, HR or Outsourcing. The type determines which other settings you can enter.

Engagement Date - the date of engagement for this service.

Visible - if ticked the service will be visible to users with access.

Here you can upload a logo for this company. Logo's are shown in some reports. Drag and drop an image into the upload area or click on Select an image to upload to browse for an image file. When you upload an image it will be saved immediately. You can delete the company logo by clicking on Image Addednext to the image. 

File Upload

You can restrict file uploads in the document centre to only allow RSM users to upload files with a specific prefix on the file name. To enable this option, tick the Restrict by Prefix checkbox and enter a Prefix in the text box.


To link a service to a company in Twinfield, enter the code and organisation. Details are imported from Twinfield periodically. If this is a newly linked service or if changes have happened in Twinfield click on the REQUEST TWINFIELD REFRESH button to request the data is imported as soon as possible. It can take several minutes for details to refresh.


To link a service to a payroll in InPay, select the payroll from the drop-down list.


To link a service to an agency in InTime, enter the following details:

InTime URL - the url for the client's InTime instance

InTime Agency Public ID - the public unique identifier for the agency. This will be an alphanumeric string in the format 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'. This is needed for auto-bacs.

InTime Agency ID - the id for the agency. This will be numeric.

InTime Database - the database name

InTime Connection - the connecton used in reports

Bacs Options


Users with Access
