In this screen you will see information about the payment. To view the detailed transactions within the payment file, click on show details to expand the view. Account details are partially hidden for security.
Once you have updated the status of the payment it will disappear from this screen.
Approval History
Details of the payment files for all your payrolls will appear in the Payment Approval, Approval History screen.
You can filter files by client, submission date, status or search for matching text.
Updating Payment Status
Once the Bacs submission file is received the status of payments can be updated in the Client Portal.
From the Payment History screen click on Update status next to the payment file you want to update.
Select the new status, either Paid or Rejected. If the file has been rejected by BACS enter any further information in the Reason text box.
You can also update the serial number here for tracking purposes.
Once the status is updated click on the SAVE button.