- Description: The pension description that will be used for selecting the pension scheme. This will also determine the name of the pay element that will show on the payslip.
- Reference: The pension scheme reference.
- Custom Ref 1: This field is sometimes used in provider specific exports, you will be informed of whether anything is required in this field when provider specific exports are added to your system.
- Custom Ref 2: See Custom Ref 1.
- Custom Ref 3: See Custom Ref 1.
- Net Pay Scheme: This indicator tells the system the pension is taken from Net Pay rather than Gross and therefore no tax relief is gained on the contribution.
- Net of BR Tax: This indicator tells the system that the pension contribution is paid less Basic Rate tax. So for example if an employee has a 10% pension deduction on earnings of £1000, then rather than £100 being taken a figure of £80 would be taken instead (if the Basic Rate of tax was 20%).
- Basic Scheme: This indicates to the system that this scheme meets the basic requirements under auto enrolment. Deductions will be taken between the lower and upper earning thresholds as set out in legislation.
- AVC: Additional Voluntary Contribution. This allows employees to make additional contributions into the scheme. Currently this field is for reference and reporting purposes and has no effect on the deduction of contributions.
- Set Limits: For standard pension schemes deductions will be taken on all earnings (of applicable pay elements). By checking this box, the user can enter lower and upper periodic earnings thresholds, allowing percentage deductions only to be taken between these thresholds (As is the case under a basic scheme). This field is unavailable if the Basic Scheme box is ticked as these thresholds are data driven by legislation.
- Salary Sacrifice: This indicates that the pension will show on the payslip but not be included in Gross or Net pay. The user also has the option of selecting an offset element which will reduce the payment element by the equivalent amount.
- ECON Code: The Employer's Contracting-out Number. For use by Contracted-out Salary Related (COSR) schemes.
- Sort Code: The pension scheme provider sort code.
- Account Name: The pension scheme provider name of the account holder.
- Account Number: The pension scheme provider bank account number.
- Bank Name and Branch: These are read-only and are populated when a sort code is entered.
- BACS Reference: The reference for payments by BACS.
- Roll Number: Building society roll number (optional).
- Use Standard Pay: Some schemes may use the standard pay set out in the auto enrolment legislation (and selected in the Pay Element Screen). Ticking this box disables the ability to choose individual pay elements
- Pensionable Elements: Clicking this button will display 2 lists. One with all the possible pay elements that can be included in pension calculations (on the right of the screen) and the other with all the elements that have already been included. To add or remove elements from the calcuation select the relevant elements (multiple elements can be selected) and use the arrow keys move them to the appropriate list.