Units and Rates on Pay Summary Detailed + Average Report enhancements (NP-632) - Add option to show units and rates on the pay summary detailed plain report and a report to show a breakdown of an employee's pay against different pay elements across multiple periods.Percentage Payments (benefit holiday calculation and percentage payments) (NP-633) - Allow users to add percentage payments like the existing percentage deductions.
Pension Re-Enrolment Date (NP-637) - User can now modify the reassessment date on the company general screen with no validation. This date will be used to re-enrol employees and a message will show on the exceptions report when this date is approaching 3 years ago.
BW010 - Importer should reject salary change if date is prior to a date already recorded on the Employee (NP-689) - Importer will allow the record and a message will show on the exceptions report.
BW012 - Produce a report if there is any change to a pay element value, rather than just the Gross or Net Pay (NP-690)
BW014 - Exceptions report for duplicate NI Number (NP-691) - Throw an exception when same employee has been added twice.